Guardian Posts Pictures Of The Melting Arctic

Hardly a day goes by without the Guardian claiming the Arctic is melting. Then they post this.

ScreenHunter_60 Apr. 28 20.53ScreenHunter_63 Apr. 28 21.15

Traditional life in the Siberian Arctic – in pictures | World news |

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Guardian Posts Pictures Of The Melting Arctic

  1. NikFromNYC says:

    Mainstream conservatives should immediately issue sanctions for their terribly bored case of wife sharing. Minneapolis was bad enough, so boring that make out hook up parties broke out, us nerds excluded. The gals brought their own jocks around, from other high schools. Hot tub parties. It sucked.

  2. Andy Oz says:

    More Guardian propaganda.
    Alarmists are happy to build huge bird choppers, and white elephant wave power rigs, but creating jobs in construction and mining is like worshipping the antichrist! And Australia will be doomed when we take the Guardian (UK mouthpiece) seriously.

  3. ralphcramdo says:

    Is that frozen snot on that dudes mustache?

  4. mike18xx says:

    Most of central and eastern Canada will still be under three to six feet of snow on May 1st.

  5. NavyHusker says:

    PETA would like to remind them that fur is murder. They should use a more sustainable and earth friendly material.

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