Holdren Gets His Wish

Forty years ago, Holdren said that low cost energy causes unemployment. Now he has high cost energy and high unemployment. He should be very proud his role in making energy prices skyrocket.


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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Holdren Gets His Wish

  1. omanuel says:

    John P. Holdren is out of touch with reality.

    He a danger to himself and society.

  2. _Jim says:

    The “O” hiring the likes of Holdren should remind one of FDR’s so-called “Brain Trust”:

    How FDR’s New Deal (and ‘Brain’ Trust) Harmed Millions of Poor People

    From the comments section following:

    It was Churchill who summed it up nicely in 1937 when he said, “the Washington administration has waged so ruthless a war on private enterprise that the US is actually leading the world back into the trough of depression.” And Churchill was right as by 1938 the country was experiencing a recession within a depression with unemployment climbing back up to 20%.

    If FDR’s New Deal was responsible for ending the Depression, it sure wasn’t working…and even by the end of the decade, with the war economy revving up, unemployment was still as high as 17.2%. Compare any of the economic indicators from when FDR first took office to the end of the decade and you will see that the New Deal not only didn’t help the economy, it stalled it, creating the longest depression in this country’s history.

  3. Justa Joe says:

    It’s amazing how these guys can state some crazy crap, backfill the justification with some intellectual sounding nonsense, and pretty much never get called on it in the media.

    Insufficient energy is actually better than abundant energy. The guy is insane, OK. How does this guy get pulled back out of the dust bin of history and given actual authority over innocent people’s lives?

  4. Smokey says:

    Falsus in uno, falsus in ombnibus applies to Holdren more than almost any public figure.

  5. Brian G Valentine says:

    Greenie organizations own the Federal government.

    Sierra Club, World Wildlife F#ck, a few others, and they answer to them.

  6. Brian G Valentine says:

    It is a pity that What Whore F#ck won’t let America have the keystone XL.

    They would actually make out better with donations

  7. Gamecock says:

    I wonder if I can buy into a buggy whip manufacturer.

    I need to buy into a glass company, too, before he decides breaking windows is a good way to restore employment.

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