Holdren Predicts One Meter Of Sea Level Rise In The Next 40 Years

Obama’s science czar John Holdren predicts 25 mm/year sea level rise starting tomorrow, and his equally intelligent buddy says Arctic ice lost 40 meters thickness in one year.

Philippine Daily Inquirer – Jan 30, 2005

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Holdren Predicts One Meter Of Sea Level Rise In The Next 40 Years

  1. Andy Oz says:

    Shock news: Scientist escapes the Borg media control unit.
    Marine Biologist from California says coral reefs can adapt to climate change.
    Look for 20 press releases saying coral reefs worldwide are Doomed, Doomed, I tell ya!

  2. Billy Liar says:

    Jonathan Lash … mentioned a recent report that the arctic ice sheet had lost nearly 40 meters of its thickness in just 6 months.

    I think he meant circumference. It’s very difficult to get the right earthly dimension when you live in a different universe.

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