It’s The Global, Stupid

During a cold* year, the US and Canada are a tiny portion of globe – and are irrelevant to climate experts. It is about “global” warming after all, or perhaps just Australian warming.

But mention “global” sea ice area, and the same people insist that Antarctica doesn’t count.

*During warm years, the US is 90% of the planet.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to It’s The Global, Stupid

  1. towermadeofcheese says:

    Do you actually care about the facts? Global warming increases the extent of antartic sea ice, due to increased precipatation, increasing divergence and windspeed, and decreased salinity. Oh and melt water from land ice, which by the way is going through the floor:

    • Antarctic sea ice extent has been high because it has been cold.

    • Tel says:

      The IPCC predicted that both Arctic and Antarctic sea ice would be reduced by global warming. This is from the Third Assessment Report (TAR) 2001:

      Changes in the Southern Ocean and impacts on its life: Climate change is likely to produce long-term—perhaps irreversible—changes in the physical oceanography and ecology of the Southern Ocean. Projected reductions in sea-ice extent will alter under-ice biota and spring bloom in the sea-ice marginal zone and will cause profound impacts at all levels in the food chain, from algae to krill to the great whales. Marine mammals and birds, which have life histories that tie them to specific breeding sites, will be severely affected by shifts in their foraging habitats and migration of prey species. Warmer water will potentially intensify biological activity and growth rates of fish. Ultimately, this should lead to an increase in the catch of marketable fish, and retreat of sea ice will provide easier access to southern fisheries.***

      Changes in sea ice: There will be substantial loss of sea ice in the Arctic Ocean. Predictions for summer ice indicate that its extent could shrink by 60% for a doubling of carbon dioxide (CO2), opening new sea routes. This will have major trading and strategic implications. With more open water, there will be a moderation of temperatures and an increase in precipitation in Arctic lands. Antarctic sea-ice volume is predicted to decrease by 25% or more for a doubling of CO2, with sea ice retreating about 2 degrees of latitude.****

      Strange that your “facts” don’t match the IPCC prediction, who can explain it?

    • Morgan says:

      1. “The reason sea ice near Antarctica is increasing every winter is because water is melting off the land and hitting the ocean, where it freezes.”

      Why it’s stupid:

      The ocean water off the coast of Antarctica is colder than the land itself in winter? Ice never melts in Antarctica in the winter. How is it possible for anybody to be this stupid?

      2. “The reason sea ice near Antarctica is increasing every winter is because of stratification of the Southern Ocean due to global warming. Zhang 2006 says ‘increase in surface air temperature results in an increase in the upper-ocean temperature and a decrease in sea ice growth, leading to a decrease in salt rejection from ice, and a decrease in upper-ocean salinity and density. This enhanced thermohaline stratification tends to suppress convective overturning, leading to a decrease in upward heat transport and an increase in sea ice.’ ”

      Why it’s stupid:

      The increase in sea ice is caused by a decrease in sea ice? I guess it’s possible for somebody to be as stupid above.

      3. “The reason sea ice near Antarctica is increasing every winter is because global warming is increasing rainfall in the Southern Ocean, and rain is fresh water so it freezes.”

      Why it’s stupid:

      The sea ice is 10 feet thick. To make 10 feet of ice, you need 10 feet of rain, which is impossible, stupid.

      4. “The reason sea ice near Antarctica is increasing every winter is because of the hole in the ozone layer, making the Antarctic colder.”

      Why it’s stupid:

      Ozone is very high in elevation, at the top of the atmosphere, and plays more of a role in radiating heat to space than returning it to Earth, so a decrease in ozone would make the South Pole Warmer, not colder.

      5. “The reason sea ice near Antarctica is increasing every winter is because of the wind. The polar winds from the continent are getting stronger, because of global warming.”

      Why it’s stupid:

      In 1, we learned that the land was warmer than the sea. Now we find out that the wind coming off the land is colder than the sea. I wonder why all that cold polar wind doesn’t cool the land and stop ice from melting in the winter. Wow, you really ARE stupider than a rock…a very dumb rock.

      6. “The reason sea ice near Antarctica is increasing every winter is because blah blah blah……..”

      Why it’s stupid:

      If you need to make up this many reasons for something, you are lying

      • Tel says:

        From the reasons given above I wonder why we don’t see more sea ice every summer, when there really is warming.

        • Morgan says:

          Because the ozone hole shrinks in the summer allowing more heat to stratify the fresh water melt into layers which triggers a polar vortex which is so cold it melts the ice.

    • Going through the floor? Not so much.

      Your graph ends in 2009. This paper, dated June 2013, indicates considerably less ice loss and sea level rise. It also explains the shortcomings of your (dated) GRACE graph.

      You can read the entire paper … not just the abstract.

      The text under your graph states “We will crass (sic) the barrier island stability threshold about 2012 or 2013.” It is now 2014 … ???

  2. Send Al to the Pole says:

    I’m glad you cleared this up…

    • philjourdan says:

      I still do not get it. Australia is the globe, except when America is, except when either is not warm. But they are when cold is used to prove global warming. Except in odd number years ending in a zero.

      That’s as far as I have gotten. 😉

  3. Morgan says:

    The West Antarctic peninsula is only 3% of Antarctica, but it’s melting so all of Antarctica is melting.

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