The eastern end of Lake Erie still has a large amount of ice. Looking through the historical records, there has never been a significant amount of ice on Lake Erie this late in the year before.
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I’ll admit, the lake ice has been remarkable on Lake Erie. But there’s been other years with ice later than now.
Among them: 1916, 1920, 1923, 1926, 1928, 1936, 1939, 1940, 1943, 1963, 1965, 1971, 1977, 1978, 1982, 1996
Not this much ice.
In the GLERL record, maybe so. But 1926, 1936, and 1971 all had latest observed ice on the lake May 31st. I can’t find any ice charts extended back that far but ice cover in those three years at least would have matched the areal extent this year as late in the year as we are now to retain ice for another 40 days beyond this date.
So we wait until June 1 and see who wins that alternate statistic.
Yes, but all the MYI is gone, and we are doomed I tells ya!
And all of that warm water hiding in the depths of the Great Lakes. The water level will soon rise. Hank Johnson is on capsize watch for Mackinack Island.
Ice in Duluth harbor until mid June 1876.