Long Before CO2 Ruined The Climate, Colorado Had Massive Forest Fires

ScreenHunter_04 Apr. 25 17.38ScreenHunter_05 Apr. 25 17.39

COLORADO FOREST FIRES. – No Cessation of the Destructive Work of the Flames on the Wooded Mountains. – View Article – NYTimes.com

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Long Before CO2 Ruined The Climate, Colorado Had Massive Forest Fires

  1. Andy DC says:

    How could you possibly had a fire with no “Red Flag Warning” out? Now big brother warns of fire danger, either real or imagined, plus we now get 24/7 coverage by mass media for every trash fire

  2. theyouk says:

    A read of “Rising Tide: The Great Mississippi Flood and How It Changed America” should convince anyone of the fraudulent/anti-scientific nature of gov’t–and of the folly of man vs Mother Nature–and that the current AGW/”Climate Crisis” is pure BS.

  3. Pathway says:

    When I was a ute you could still see the scares of this massive fire on the Grand Mesa.

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