Looking For Contract Programming Work To Finance My Climate Research

I am working on writing a couple of books which should be excellent reads (and hopefully big sellers) and have several other climate related projects in the works. These efforts require time and I have to pay bills in the interim. Spending time on climate blogging and research has cost me literally hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost opportunity and career costs over the past five years.

Unfortunately my Canadian contract ran out, and my first big oil check hasn’t arrived yet – so I am looking for contract programming work.

I am an expert in many area of computer software and hardware, with my recent work focus on 3D graphics, image processing, computer vision, video streaming, networked client/server apps, and high performance computing. My languages of choice are C++/C, Java, OpenGL, OpenCL and Cuda. And for the record, I have worked professionally on developing (accelerating) climate and weather models.

This blog reaches hundreds of thousands of people a month. If anyone reading this has need of contract programming by an extremely skillful and fast senior programmer, please contact me at [email protected]  I’m happy to consider either large or small tasks.

Thank you very much. This post will stay at the top of the blog for a while. Look below for new posts.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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39 Responses to Looking For Contract Programming Work To Finance My Climate Research

  1. Jim says:

    I have a project. Its not big. But it is something. Send me an email.

  2. kbray in california says:

    I forwarded your post to a contact at a 3D video startup company in Menlo Park.

  3. squid2112 says:

    I will pass your info along to my network. Do you have a LinkedIn? … I have quite a network built up on there that could be of some use to you. If interested, send me an email to hostmaster (at) thixo.net . I may be able to help.

    • readnthink90 says:

      LinkedIn is invaluable. My son, website designer, turns away job offers on a regular basis there.

      I posted your request to Twitter. Got one viewer who Favorited it.

      • squid2112 says:

        I have built hundreds of business contacts throughout the world utilizing that tool. The key however, like with any social media, is how you use it. I have found it best to be very particular about who you link up with. I get LinkedIn requests almost every day, but many are from folks which would provide no discernible value and would simply propagate spamming and advertisement annoyances. As with everything, one must be cautious and strategic when using.

        It can be a wonderful tool when used properly.

  4. Robert says:

    Thanks so much for all your work Steve. It is amazing and completely invaluable. All the best. Rob. 🙂

  5. Ken Barber says:

    I thought you were a professor at CSU?

  6. JustAnotherPoster says:

    Why don’t you allow google ads on your blog ? Based on hits and readership it could provide a decent income. http://order-order.com/ is a english political blog and seems to make a decent income based on adds alone. Enough to employ staff….

    • I am going to look into how to commercialize the blog, thanks.

    • Shazaam says:

      Based on what I observed at http://ericpetersautos.com/2014/04/18/goo-guhl-goo-guhl/, Google ads are a terrible way to go. Someone at Google got offended and cut them off and yanked them from the search engine (dropped/zeroed their search ranking). Story is posted in full there. Eric has decided to not compromise his opinions to suit Google, yet it’s apparently been very difficult.

      Can you say censorship for pay?

      Take a close look at the sites you visit earning income via Google ads. Eric’s experience has led me to question the wisdom of taking Google pay.

      I would liken monetizing with Google to the scenario of paying danegeld (though in reverse here), once accepted, you can never get rid of the Dane.

      Your site to do with as you will however. This information is worth what you paid me for it….

  7. A C Osborn says:

    Good luck on finding some lucrative work.

  8. Send Al to the Pole says:

    I sent a list. CJH is the most important one. When you first post your resume with them, it is blasted to thousands of shops around the country and Canada. You are almost certain to get calls. Well worth the $25. If you go on the Hotlist usually you get more calls. That used to be $100, don’t know what they charge for it now.

  9. Lance says:

    Sorry, I’m in IT also, but we just downsized….will keep eye’s/ears open.

  10. oldfossil says:

    Suggestion: link to a sample of something you’ve worked on. Old-fashioned references from past employers and associates work a dream, too.

  11. Eric Simpson says:

    A book could make huge amounts, and the quick way to do a book if you don’t have time to perfect it would be to more or less just stitch together your Real Science posts. Or just put together all the “Eric Simpson” comments! Lol /s.

    Also, if you really are having financial issues that would prevent you from being able to concentrate on this important work, wouldn’t it be possible to have a “Donate” button like Jo Nova?

    • Bob F says:

      Yes a “Donate” button would be a great idea. I’m sure many others besides myself would be more than happy to help you maintain your climate work.

  12. Wyguy says:

    Amazon add/order thingie would be good.

  13. BruceC says:

    Come off it Steve!. As we all know (or been told by Climate Hypochondriacs) we are all in the pay of Big Oil and/or the Koch Bros. All you need to do is manage all that money (may have to get a new accountant). Do I really need to add sarc?

    Back in the real world, I wish you all the best in your endeavour to raise the required funds to continue your fight against the gobbley-gook that is AGW.

    This, plus requests from WUWT, JoNova, J. Curry, D. Laframboise, etc, etc in the recent months, surely must prove the ‘The Steptics/Deniers’ are indeed NOT funded by ‘Big’ anybody.

  14. tom0mason says:

    Good luck with finding work.

  15. Chuck says:

    You dislike wordpress immensely. Why not re-invent the blogging wheel?

  16. MikeTheDenier says:

    Wish I could help and wish you well in your hunt…

  17. gregole says:


    I’ll buy multiple copies of your book(s) when they come out. That’s a lot of work writing a book, but hang in there – other than Paul Homewood (http://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com/) I don’t know of anyone else pounding on the government-paid shills and charlatans who are perverting the temperature records.

    Best of luck to you.

  18. Scarface says:

    Second attempt:

    Here I think is the offer that was made to help get funding for a paper:


    Lee says:
    February 24, 2014 at 8:12 pm
    Are you really “quite serious about this” or are you “just having fun”?
    I read your blog every day. I’m not sure when you sleep.
    I am going to assume that perhaps you are serious, and I hope you are.
    What is the most important subject you have been writing about lately? I think it is the data tampering. Do you believe what you are writing? Given the opportunity can you really prove it? Can you look at the subject from both sides and actually prove that the adjustments can only be explained as nefarious? If you can really accomplish that goal, you will be able to get the funding.

    Be serious and go for it.

    stevengoddard says:
    February 24, 2014 at 8:17 pm
    There is almost no money for skeptics.

    Lee says:
    February 24, 2014 at 8:50 pm
    You have my email address. If you are serious about this you should contact me. Funding can be had for something as important as this.

    • RossP says:

      Thanks Scarface –this was the email I mentioned a week or so back that I could not find again ( after asking Steve if anything came of it).

      • Scarface says:

        Exactly, I was wondering too what happened, but after you asked and it seemed missing I kept searching for it. A groundbreaking paper is very much wanted.

  19. Something tells me that climate modelers are not going to let anyone who can actually fix their models within 100 miles of them.

  20. BigRed says:

    Drop me a line, we have several jobs available here in Fort Collins, CO that might be down your alley.

  21. pyromancer76 says:

    Steve, your nose for history related to climate issues and your sensitivity to and proofs of data tampering are awesome. And you have a wicked wit! Wish there was some way for you to make a living using these skills to continue this blog. You with this blog have come close to what Anthony queried — do we need an organization devoted to (can’t use his term “climate skepticism” — yeah, we have a climate and always have) the scientific method re climate?

    If you put forward an opportunity to subscribe for what you do so well, I would gladly take part. (I am certain the amounts received would not be enough, although they might help.) I would like the offer to be purposeful, however, not simply “donate”. You engage in so many excellent purposes. This suggestion does not preclude contract work, either. Your skills are a treasure. Glad you went your own independent way. Your blog is one of my faithful everyday reads, the data of which I send on to others. Thanks.

  22. Robertv says:

    The only thing I can offer is a place to stay if you ever have to go to Barcelona .

  23. Ragtag Media says:

    What about Ruby On Rails? http://rubyonrails.org/
    That’s what I have been told my website needs to be redone in:

    • squid2112 says:

      I can think of a dozen or so better (IMO) technologies to use. http://www.webnoir.org/, https://github.com/noir-clojure/lib-noir, https://github.com/weavejester/compojure .. being a couple.

      However, you really need to assess your goals first. Design your function, and then research the best technologies for the job, considering all aspects, including skills required to manage and maintain and the availability of such skillsets. The technologies I listed above would probably fail in that arena as there is probably not an over abundance of LISP (Clojure/ClojureScript) programmers out there.

      The two overwhelmingly predominant technologies in use for web application development today are Java and .NET for server side, and a HUGE array of HMI (browser side) technologies. I would recommend sticking with the more age-old proven ones (jQuery, Knockout, Angular, etc..) as they are assured a long life cycle and very well maintained projects. A very promising and emerging technology to consider for HMI is TypeScript (Visual Studio has best support for it), but in the future that may become deprecated with later versions of ECMAScript (JavaScript) as ECMAScript moves more towards TypeScript as in ECMA-6.

      Bottom line, do your homework. Don’t pay attention to people that claim that such-and-such technology is the only way to go. Get the right tools for the job! Everything has an advantage and disadvantage. You need to utilize the things that will work best for you. It’s the wild wild west out there in terms of software technologies. Good luck!

  24. Brian G Valentine says:

    I don’t know if it is you or someone else, but I am seeking a coauthor for a paper on entropy and climate change. Results show that radiation entropy cannot distinguish (can never distinguish) natural climate variation from GHG forcing, based on long wavelength satellite measurements in the IR.

    Coauthor need to reduce satellite data and prepare graphs for a publication. Publication will be in an open journal and my university will cover publication costs.

    Coauthor can present findings at conference that pays speakers fees, such as Heartland Conference (pays $1000 speaker fees). I am a Fed and cannot accept speaker or travel fees from anyone.

    Interested contact bgvalentine AT Verizon DOT net


  25. Shazaam says:

    Hey Steve/Toto,

    Please tack this to the header at the top. That way if someone stumbles across some work for you, there is no delay finding this post.


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