March Madness In Michigan

The National Weather Service tweeted yesterday that March was coldest on record at many locations in Upper Michigan. I responded by pointing out that NCDC said March was only fifth coldest in Michigan.

ScreenHunter_237 Apr. 16 06.22

NWS responded by saying that the temperatures in lower Michigan must have been warmer, and I pointed out that record ice on Lake Erie made that implausible. NWS didn’t have an explanation and left it up to NCDC to explain the discrepancy – which of course they didn’t.

ScreenHunter_254 Apr. 17 06.09

HCN data shows no trend in Michigan March temperatures since 1895, but NCDC reports a 3.8 degrees/century warming trend.

ScreenHunter_252 Apr. 17 05.31

The USHCN adjustments are astonishing – almost five degrees between 1895 and 2014. Apparently the freezing point of water must have changed and the record ice on Lake Erie at the end of March is meaningless. The adjustments are peer-reviewed, which trumps reality.

ScreenHunter_253 Apr. 17 06.04

The next graph shows the total difference between NCDC reported temperatures and GHCN HCN raw temperatures

ScreenHunter_234 Apr. 15 22.47


Environment Canada shows Great Lakes ice coverage as being completely unprecedented. Perhaps the freezing point of water has changed, due to an increase of 0.0001 mole fraction CO2?



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to March Madness In Michigan

  1. ccglea says:

    Very interisting. I would love to hear their explanation but my guess they won’t give one. I am going to start tracking the NWS temperatures and compair them to teh USHNC numbers.

    BTW, no temp records today in SW Ohio but tems are significantly below “average”.

    • philjourdan says:

      I spent my college days in that neck of the woods. Even when it is not freezing, that wind coming down the Miami Valley makes it feel cold!

    • Gail Combs says:

      Mid North Carolina went down to 30 °F (Elevation: 246 ft.) this morning.

      The supposed record was 29 °F (1962) over forty miles to the north at Raleigh-Durham Airport, NC (Elevation: 436 ft.) the airport was as usual warmer @ 32 °F

      WUWT on the Raleigh-Durham Airport

      (Just remember that temperature changes 5.4F/1,000ft (9.8C/1,000m) so the elevation change could mean up to the 1°F without taking into account the latitude. )

      So we broke or at least matched the low temp record but you can not see it in the data or the records….

    • ccglea says:

      Interisting enough, I got a reply from NCDC asking for an example of where there number(s) are diferent from the NSW’s. I live near Cincinnati and can someone either supply with some data that is different or tell me how to access it? I want to see what their explanation is. I will share if I get one.

  2. ducdorleans says:

    this is so funny … this is so “comical Ali” …

    we can’t expect them to give up just like that … with consequence that they will be reporting sunshine and pina colada weather, while in reality, people will be ice-skating …

    this will end up, in 10 to 15 years, as always, with progress, albeit il will have cost us a lot of money, and quite some teeth gnashing …

  3. exNOAAman says:

    I’m encouraged to see that the NWSFO tweet didn’t make much attempt to spin the NCDC lies. Assume they expected the answers to be repeated over Steve G’s very popular website, so played it slightly cool, but (reading between the lines) in agreement with Real Science.

  4. Don says:

    Wonder how long that guy for the NWS has to remain employed by NOAA now? Either he quickly gets on the same page or gets the axe over some cooked up matter. Perhaps he misplaced a degree or two? LOL

  5. Stephen Richards says:

    You fool. Canadian ice is completely different to Hussein Ice. It has a melting point at 0°C whereas Hussein ice has a melting point of 23°C which as we all know is 32°F backwards. Voilà. 🙂

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