Through April 6, Michigan is having their coldest year on record, 5C (9F) below normal. This is reflected by the record ice on the Great Lakes, and is at direct odds with the tampered data released by NCDC.
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The Straits of Mackinac are still pretty much iced over.
Thank you, Steven, for having the courage to speak frankly about government deception.
Climategate emails that were released in Nov 2009 were but the tip of a deep, dark iceberg of deceit that grew out of sight after the end of the Second World War, initially intended to save the world from nuclear annihilation by hiding the source of energy in cores of:
Heavy atoms like uranium
Ordinary stars like the Sun
It’s not a matter of courage, but of logical and scientific competence, and above all honesty.
And the “deep, dark iceberg of deceit” leading to the general incompetence of today is far deeper, and farther back in time, than you think. You need to stick to the science, instead of second-guessing the “original” motivation for modern science’s failings (your model for that is just as bad as the climate models).
The “original” motivation goes back AT least 100 years and from the looks of it back a lot further than that.
Actually it goes back to the Greed for Wealth and the Lust for Power, so you could say it goes back to the Wisconsin Ice Age and further.
(Ugh slamming Grunt over the head with a rock to steal his kill and impress the females.)
You’re going beyond the consideration of science’s failings, per se. Those only go back to the dogma of uniformitarianism, and more specifically to Darwin (so I think of it as going back to 1859, with the publication of “The Origin of Species”) and the subsequent paradigm of undirected evolution of all that we observe about the world.
I would say it goes back to Galileo Galilei and his problems with the inquisition. IOW it goes back to the time when the scientific method began to be developed.
Society suffered because rulers of the world were unwilling to admit:
1. Earth orbits the Sun in 1543,
2. Our lives are controlled by the same force that destroyed Hiroshima in 1945.
In both cases, emotional FEAR overruled rational LOGIC.
I am going back to the fact there have always been:
1. The producers, the people who pull their own weight and are basis for civilization.
2. The predators, those who rather steal, often by force what others have.
3. The parasites who hang around the predators fawning on them hoping for crumbs.
4. The protectors, who refuse to let the predators pick on the producers. This last class can sometimes be a brighter predator who figured out it was easier to let the producers live and protect them then keep hunting up new producers to steal from. Enter Serfdom and Slavery.
Those human types have not changed only the methods. The fact these types exist is why communism. collectivism, socialism… will never work. That and the fact ALL species follow the track of minimising energy and maximising entropy. No one will work hard day after day willingly without some reward beyond a roof, food and clothing.
This is the main problem our would be masters are trying to work around. How to keep the illusion of freedom so the serfs will work hard. It is the reason you have ZERO idea of the amount of taxes you actually pay (between 70% to 90%) and the reason that tax is taken from you without your actually having to hand it over on April 15th.
I appreciate your analysis.
To understand the motives of rulers, the key is the basic desire to live.
The sad truth is that they decided on 1945 that their survival depended on their ability to hide “powers beyond the dreams of scientific fiction“ that Aston described in his Nobel Prize Lecture on 12 Dec 1922.
About ‘producers’: these wonderful guys moved our production to Asia.
It’s moving far beyond mere gov’t deception. Eric Holder; BLM strong arming Cliven Bundy in NV; Lois Lerner’s “Opinion Letter” regarding 501(c)(3) booster accounts, selective enforcement of immigration laws, The UnAffordable Care Act . . . ; fundamental change is upon us.
Yes, united government deceit to save the world from nuclear annihilation was initiated in 1945.
Climategate e-mails first exposed the tip of the iceberg fifty-four years later in Nov 2009.
CORRECTION: sixty-four years later
The data shows an unchanging long-term mean temperature, of -3.7 +/- 2.3 °C. The last, 2014, point is a rare outlier, at least two standard deviations away from the mean. I consider it–humorously, mind you–unfit to live with the other data points in statistics paradise (the same goes for the other 3 points over 0 or under -8). Hand me a shotgun and I’ll put it out of its misery.
They’re only outliers in a dataset that includes about 120 years of history – a period of history that, as a sample, is no way indicative of the trend or volatility of temperatures throughout the whole. So, it would be valid to discard them in a discussion of this specific, 120-year trend; but in terms of the population, I suspect that the complete dataset would bear out a different interpretation.
(Of course, the warmists know this, too. That’s why they pick a sample-trend outlier as the basis for discussion of sea ice extent.)
That will be another method of adjustment – remover the outliers !
Only from the holy of holies statistical analyses. I really don’t believe in the death penalty for honestly-obtained data. But outliers are like that sudden sharp pain in your back, or wherever–they indicate something’s wrong, and should not be allowed to throw your statistics out of whack.
They already use that for CO2.
Mosher’s scalpel will get that one:
… Iterative weighting is used to reduce the influence of statistical outliers …
This part sounds even more scientific as regarding weather readings “The framework uses the statistical method known as Kriging to interpolate data from stations to arbitrary locations on the Earth.” Why use the data we have, when we can make up data and then include it?
Yes, A Geologist has som rather ‘interesting’ things to say about that method.
It looks like temperatures have fallen off a cliff, unlike anything during the last 120 years. Is this the beginning of the next glaciation? That would almost be funny, going into a glaciation after all the yammering about Global Warming.
There are times I get so fed-up with the idiots I almost wish we were. Better now while we still have some freedom and cheap energy then after they herd us all into UN Agenda 21 transit villages.
According to NOAA it’s our 34th coldest. NOAA (National Organization of Anthropogenic Alarmists)
According to NOAA it was not so very cold. According to these blue whales that have frozen to death near Newfoundland, it was killing cold.
And here we can see what kind of cherry picking are you talking about