Minnesota temperatures through April 18 are the coldest on record
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Yes it has been! All kinds of stuff about our local climate available in a format I can even figure out. Web.stcloudstate.edu/raweisman/climate.html. Hope the link works this is the first post I have made on this or any site. Great work Steve.
at least until NOAA “corrects” the data
If the first link did not work this should. http://www.stcloudstate.edu/weather/ . Select climate on the left then Bob Weismans ultimate climate page, bottom link.
Still cold below freezing at night in Upstate NY, too.
That is not normal from what I can remember of living in NY cow country.
Are the temperatures from 1930s and 1940s adjusted or unadjusted. Hasn’t NOAA been adjusting those temperatures down.
Good question, but makes an interesting point: if those temperatures have been adjusted Downwards, and Minnesota is STILL seeing the coldest temps ‘on record’……. 😛
Steve, you have probably done this already, but: could you explain how those graphs are created? Or where it is you go, that you can look at specific data and have a graph generated from it?
Where steve gets this temperature data is from: U.S. Historical Climatology Network (USHCN) at NOAA.
If this is raw data before adjustment I would be very very surprised.
I noticed that when I posted this on WUWT
several years ago. A city-airport pair that showed the city followed the AMO (Atlantic ocean) osscillation while the airport climbed in a relatively straight line over time, it has since been “Adjusted” so the city and the airport show the same oscillation and the original graphs I linked to are now going to a page saying:
These “Technical Problems” have now lasted several months.
You can get the new plots from: http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/station_data/
Go to the bottom of the page and click on the state or country you want and a listing comes up of city/station. click on the station and you get the plot.
The two Norfolk Airport plots are nothing alike in shape. Looks like after getting caught they rectified the situation by rewriting history once again.
Thanks Gail!
No problem.
I figure Steve has enough to do and if I am incorrect he will correct me.
This rewriting history is a method of psychological warfare that was taught to my Ex back in 1975. It is used to make the target think they are going nuts. It is very successful over time if the subject has nothing but memory to backup what he thought was the truth.
Luckily with the internet we now have a weapon against this manipulation.
Earlier I made a post, my first ever, but it says it is awaiting moderation. What I wanted to draw attention to was a climate page created and maintained by Bob Weisman at St Cloud State U. It uses actual data and provides a wealth of historic data on our local climate. As Steve has illustrated over and over when today’s weather is viewed from a historic perspective it completely destroys the bs narrative we are being fed. If you google St Cloud State Weather and select cliimate on the left and then the bottom link to the ultimate St Cloud climate page I think you will find it quite interesting.
What! Gary F., you say its been cold up there by St. Cloud!!!
Down here by Mankato it has been balmy all winter! There, , does that statement qualify me for work by the U.S. Government?
I’ve got proof with actual data from the above referenced source. Where is your proof of “balmy” Mankato? Yes it would qualify. Graduated from then Mankato State.
Mankato State as did my undergraduate.
I have had a few articles in the Mankato Free Press, and a little tuft with a few ego centric MSU Instructors.
My daughter lives a little north of Willmar, perhaps we could meet sometime and I would like to get a copy of your info and I have some for you also. — Like aerial pictures of lakes in the 1930’s
I have been getting under the skin of some locals.
My background is in physics, math and chem and have been studying BS in depth for about 5 years.
Dare I ask what year you graduated?
Shhh! (1965)
Three years before me
Gary, should you want to get in contact, I will let you know now.
that is let you know HOW
Yes let me know. Really take a few minutes and check out the link that I gave above and look at the fabulous climate data on Weisman’s St Cloud Climate Page. Wouldn’t it be great if every NWS site had the same?