My Earth Day Pictures

This is the Buckeye coal fired power plant -which provides clean, reliable electricity to Fort Collins residents like myself.

ScreenHunter_352 Apr. 22 07.54

This is a Colorado coal train, which provides the energy source for the power plant.

ScreenHunter_354 Apr. 22 07.57

Unfortunately we have very expensive electricity in Colorado, because of government regulations which require that a certain percentage of our electricity comes from ugly, unreliable, environmentally destructive, bird choppers.

If we could vote out the morons currently running the state of Colorado, and replace them with sane people – electricity prices would be significantly reduced.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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55 Responses to My Earth Day Pictures

  1. squid2112 says:

    OMG! … Look at all of that terrible pollution, bluing up the sky like that, all provide by those hideous “death trains”.

  2. sott allen says:

    Bird choppers , lmao

    • There Is No Substitute for Victory. says:

      In case anyone is curious about why weather predictions are called Fore-Casting, it is because Fore-Casting is the exact same motion used to cast a pair of dice.

    • David A says:

      Well, at least they admitted the error, and did not force someone like Steve McIntyre to spend years debunking the study due to a refusal to release the data and metadata.

  3. Andy DC says:

    Don’t you care about our great grand children’s great grandchildren? By then it might warm .5 degrees
    We are doomed! But if we shut everything down right this minute, it might only warm .3 degrees and the planet will be saved. Also our socialist workers paradise (using north Korea as our model) will have been established.

  4. oeman50 says:

    That plant is fully controlled, meaning it has technologies to remove NOx, SOx and particulates. It should survive the next round of closures due to new EPA rules. But, CO2 is next on their list. I get the distinct impression it would make their day if every coal plant shuts down. No cause is too unimportant to spend someone else’s money on it.

    • There Is No Substitute for Victory. says:

      You are wrong oh oeman50 ish one. The only thing that will gladden the hearts of the howling Luddite mob is the total destruction of all industrial and scientific endeavor. In the Luddite world only the Tibetan monks trying to find enlightenment in a dark and cold cave are pure enough to live. Remember, you heard it here first.

  5. An Inquirer says:

    When the number of windmills is small relative to the load of the eletric system, then their cost is not very not noticeable. But when windmills get to the point where they become part of the load bearing facilities — necessitating fossil fuel plants to be built and operated to handle the windmills’ variabiliity, and when transmission lines need to be built to handle the windmill contribution — then their cost is noticeable, and we have begun to experience higher cost because of the inroads of wind generation.

    • There Is No Substitute for Victory. says:

      What you intended to say An Inquirer is that the coal plants must be lit and remain burning 24/7 just in case mother nature has the flue and she can’t huff and puff like the big bad wolf. Meaning that it requires a coal plant already lit and burning, with a full head of steam standing by to take over the load at the speed of light which is also the speed of electricity. I guess as long as the burning coal isn’t producing electricity, the environmentalist can say that it isn’t producing CO2. What idiots?

      • An Inquirer says:

        Rather than coal plants, utilities use gas-fired plants for the purpose of backing up wind generation. Gas plants are cheaper to build, prompt less environmental opposition, and can handle the variability better than coal plants.

  6. Svend Ferdinandsen says:

    Note the complete lack of smoke. If the plant had used natural gas there would have been a visible smoke (steam). Is’nt that funny.

  7. GW says:

    Soory Steve, but it’s not going to happen (voting out the morons, that is). I saw on the news a rally or demonstration of some sort in Colorado, with what looked like thousands, of potheads all gathered to celebrate the legalization (or non-criminalization) of marijuana. 420 day was it billed as ?

    Anyway, it looks like Colorado politics are going the wrong way.

    • Mike D says:

      It is 4/20, as in the date. Was based on some guys who met up and smoked at 4:20 pm after school or something a long time ago. Probably lots of different stories about how it originated. So 4:20PM is still meaningful, then 4/20 became a thing as well.

      • BigFurryBear says:

        420 is also the police code for when they find marijuana on someone they have stopped. At least that is what I was told by someone back when I drove Cab #420… πŸ™‚

    • -=NikFromNYC=- says:

      Us normal everyday small businessmen are fighting for small government and the right to buy and sell things unencumbered by red tape and bans on natural materials, and here you are fighting for a police state, publicly insulting those who use a safe alternative to the narcotic alcohol. Good luck with those elections, folks.

      • There Is No Substitute for Victory. says:

        Funny thing Nik, since legalization Coloradans have started dropping dead from pot overdoses like birds chopped up by a wind turbine. No telling how many innocents will perish in pot related crashes. The nice thing is that soon every squad car will have a pot breath detector and then we can begin to really tax marijuana by impounding the personal property of the casual users and charge them for being sentenced to weed court.

      • Mike D says:

        Nik, if you think this is going to roll back the red tape and bureacracy, think again. It is just the continuation of the selective enforcement of federal law and nothing more. Pure pandering to get votes. Immigration laws have been selectively enforced for years. Environmental laws as well are only applied to fossil fuels, while windmills can kill all manner of birds of prey and others without any fines. There is nothing about this that will lessen any of the federal regulations they want to enforce, particularly in NY, where they get a helping hand from NY.

      • _Jim says:

        re: ” … a safe alternative to the narcotic alcohol. ”

        Will that include ‘Butane’ (derived) hash oil (BHO; a most potent form) as well?

        (re: lighting up doobies, I thought ‘smoking’ anything involved certain ‘risks’ to the lungs … no?)

        • David A says:

          … and a new study shows pot damages a portion of the brain. However, that does not mean it should be illegal. Adult people have the right to do harmful things to themselves. However, having such actions reasonably penalized by insurance companies, or kept from minors is fine by me. There is reasonable evidence of medical usefulness to pot also, on the other hand, referring to those groups as pot heads is fine by me. I think they demonstrate damaged mental agility in their actions and political mental acuity.

          I went to Claremont High School in San Diego County, (The school that inspired “Fast times at Ridgemount High”). I am well acquainted with regular pot use, both as a witness, and a participant. Thankfully, after one year of regular use, I quit completely. Those that continued regular use had an extremely high failure rate in life, business, relationships.

        • philjourdan says:

          What years did you go there?

  8. R. de Haan says:

    Any idea why my postings don’t appear?

  9. RossP says:

    On Jo Nova’s blog there is a guy , TonyfromOz , who is an expert on coal fired power stations. He has all the figures at his “finger tips” and is easily able to show how stupid the claims behind the mass renewable energy drive are.
    He continuously throws out a challenge to the AGW believers who come onto Jo’s site — if the situation is so bad get out there and lobby the Government hard, to immediately close all the coal fired power stations in Australia. Of course he never gets a response.

    • R. de Haan says:

      The new trick that is introduced is the introduction of mandatory bio feed (wood chips) of coal plants which already has started in crazy Europe. Just imagine what happens if we start burning our biosphere in coal plants according to the principle of 1/3 coal and 2/3 bio feed. The swamp forests in Georgia USA are first to go.

      Everything stamped green is plain disaster.

      • R. Shearer says:

        There just isn’t enough bio unless one begins burning humans (fat actually) to bring down supply to match demand.

        • tom0mason says:

          Hey, that’s ‘two birds with one windmill’, reduce obesity and get biomass fuel.
          Great idea, government run Liposuction credit scheme to reduce you waistline and energy costs.

  10. R. de Haan says:

    The USA and the EU are destroying their Middle Class.
    An absolutely devastating development.
    The Middle Class is an economic driver, bot only in terms of consumption but also of small and medium businesses, the biggest jobs engine.
    Undermining our energy infra structure is one of the tools to achieve the decline.

    • Fat Tony says:

      I think the Middle Class tends to hold society together peacefully – too much to lose. With a large underclass & no middleclass, this factor will disappear – riots etc start a lot easier (“if you ain’t got nothing, you got nothing to lose”).
      By destroying the middleclass, they may find what’s left may not be as controllable as they wish. (Unless, of course, they are banking on the coming cold weather to cause famines and billions of deaths….exacerbated by the poverty caused by their eco-fascism)

      • David A says:

        Indeed, it is the lack of a viable middle class which invariably leads to revolution. However, a strong central government, willing to use force, can belay that tendency for a long time. Is this why Obama wants such a strong “National Security force?

    • There Is No Substitute for Victory. says:

      Today in Germany, millions of elderly or retired Germans can no longer afford to heat or brew up a cup of tea much less cook their food and heat their flats and homes.

    • OldBruin says:

      The rise of the middle class was what brought on the Renaissance. The guilds (apprentice, journeyman, master) allowed the tradesmen to flourish at a level below the nobility. That ultimately brought on the general prosperity which the West has enjoyed for over 600 years.
      Destroy the middle class (as the Obamites are diligently endeavoring to do) and you will bring society back to the middle ages, with a small ruling class and a vast peasant class.

      • _Jim says:

        Some would say it was the industrial revolution that brought the ‘middle’ class into being; turning out items or product one-by-one would allow only those with connections or pull (or bux) e.g. the King and his Knights and other nobility (who employed the ‘artisan’ sector) to acquire such ‘goods’. Not until mechanization, industrial production (including the production of tractors and all other goods) did the overall prosperity (and living standards) of mankind rise …

        • OldBruin says:

          Oh, there is no question that the industrial revolution raised the overall prosperity and living standards of the common man way above those of the erstwhile peasants. In fact, the standards were so raised that over 90% of Americans consider themselves to be in the “middle class”.
          What I was talking about was the historical creation of the “middle class”, the bourgeoisie, as a distinct class between the nobility and the peasantry. Some of them indeed acquired wealth to rival the nobilities. What set them apart was they acquired what they had through hard work (rising in the apprentice, journeyman, master system) and not birthright. That demonstrated that one did not have to acquiesce to being a peasant, and stood traditional ideas of one’s place in society on its head.
          Though of course most of the people then were still peasants, (but not in the “free cities” in Italy) it’s not true that the peasants did not benefit from the rise of the “middle class”. You mentioned farm equipment. The master blacksmith’s shops were factories of its day. The apprentices could not be trusted to make anything too complicated, but they made hoes and spades and such plentiful and affordable to the peasants. That was the beginning, and the industrialists of the industrial revolution followed in the footsteps of the masters of the crafts, though on a much grander scale.

    • An Inquirer says:

      I also worry about the loss of middle-class values: self-responsibility, diligence, devotion to family, investment, honest-day’s work for honest-day’s pay, delayed gratification . . . . Fewer and fewer people are displaying middle class values

  11. Robertv says:

    Washington should run on green energy only. Including Air Force I. Let them lead by example.

  12. Big Al says:

    Which power plant in northern Colorado was changed from nuclear to natural gas?

  13. OldBruin says:

    The best Earth Day comment I have heard is North Korea celebrates Earth Day every hour of every day.

  14. philjourdan says:

    Buckeye Coal plant? Did they relocate it from Ohio? πŸ˜‰

  15. The Griss says:

    Darn it.. you forgot to photoshop in all the yucky carbon pollution coming from the chimney !!

    Either that or they hadn’t started up the furnaces for the day.


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