NCDC US March Temperature Data Tampering

For the second year in a row, NCDC adjusted US March temperatures upwards by 1.5 degrees, making for a total adjustment since the 1920s of about 3 degrees.

ScreenHunter_235 Apr. 16 06.12

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to NCDC US March Temperature Data Tampering

  1. Chip Bennett says:

    (Climate) Change You Can Believe In!

  2. ccglea says:

    Excuse my ignorance, but what does NCDC stand for?

    Also, what is the rational they give (if they give any) for there “adjustments” ?

  3. Gail Combs says:

    Good grief. At the rate they are going we will be in a stadial (Ice Age) and the NCDC will be trying to tell us it is “Global Warming”

    Remember the difference between the Holocene interstatial at this time and the end of the Wisconsin stadial is only about 8 °C. link

    GEE, does that put us 3 °C closer to the next Ice Age? MY goodness we are almost half way there!!! No wonder the USA had record snow fall!!! Time for new screaming headlines THE ICE AGE IS NOW!

    (Sorry if my alarmism is quite up to snuff but I will keep practicing.)

  4. ccglea says:

    Here in SW Ohio, we smashed the record low high yesterday by 5.1 degrees F. We beat the record low by 1.0 degree. There is still snow on the ground even though it’s mid April. Of course this is just weather.

  5. Andy DC says:

    Only was the evil US was cold during March. The rest of the world was running a fever!

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