Never Forget

Some days I carry around a 1938 8x56R shell, as a reminder of history. It is a beautiful piece of work, gold colored from tip to tail. That caliber was never used as a combat round by Hitler’s army, but rather used to execute civilians. Millions of them.

ScreenHunter_1260 Apr. 02 00.57

It reminds me of what a psychotic leader can do, once he gets the population whipped up into an hysterical, mindless fear.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Never Forget

  1. Robertv says:

    Schools still teach history these days ?

  2. Chuck says:

    No they don’t. Looks to have a Nazi branding on it. Interesting piece

  3. Andy DC says:

    Might be used again, against us climate change deniers, if there is a repeat of 1936.

  4. BobW in NC says:

    Reminds me of an article published before the 2008 election, “Understanding Obama: The Making of a Fuehrer.”

  5. Brian says:

    If I remember correctly, during that same time period, the other of the Axis powers, Japan, invaded China and executed approximately twenty-five million Chinese people. The slaughter was so heartless; the Japanese considered their victims NOT WORTH THE COST OF A BULLET, so they used swords. So I echo your thoughts, “…what a psychotic leader can do, once he gets the population whipped up into an hysterical, mindless fear.” Then, I make the obvious connection with the rabble calling for the persecution and prosecution of “deniers” like me… Oddly enough, there is no single psychotic leader, whipping the greenies into a murderous lather; it is a beast with many heads, not a beast with a single head. Mann, AlGore, Lewandowski… each head has a name. (yes, “AlGore” – pronounced similarly to igor, the hunchbacked assistant to the madman Frankenstein – and this, necessarily, casts Bill Clinton as Frankenstein…)

  6. Gamecock says:

    Steve, don’t carry that in the Capitol of the Land of the Free. You may end up in jail.

  7. Gail Combs says:

    – and this, necessarily, casts Bill Clinton as Frankenstein…
    Oh he is.

    Chasing the Dragon: Clinton’s China Policy

    And if you like ‘Conspiracies’

  8. bubbagyro says:

    Chilling…all of it.

  9. Byron says:

    Remember Babi Yar

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