Nuclear Blowtorch Needed

Reggie’s Arctic row this summer will probably require a nuclear blowtorch, powered by Brawndo.


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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Nuclear Blowtorch Needed

    • Gail Combs says:

      I caught Jeff Masters this idios “Hero” lying through his teeth when he had our three to six inches of snow listed as rain in February. After I directly challenged him and called him a liar on his blog he changed it from rain to 0.37 inches of snow. 0.37 inches does NOT cover my boots. seems he screwed up again and moved the decimal point. I can walk to the weather station so it is not a micro climate issue. Also the snow was deep enough to made the news at the nearby town 10 miles away.

    • Andy DC says:

      I see the way it works, all that broiling hot March weather made for an extremely thick ice pack. Anything you say, Jeff.

  1. Brian G Valentine says:

    A bit more than the buoyancy stress of a nuclear sub at the Pole would be needed to pop through 2 m of ice to snap a few photos, which could explain why we haven’t seen such drama yet to be carried out on behalf of the worst US administration in the history of the Universe

  2. Gamecock says:

    If I am reading the above correctly, Amundsen Gulf has 2 meters of ice as we approach May 1. I looked up the weather forecast for Cambridge Bay (Who can forget Cambridge Bay from last year?). Current temp: double-ought zero. -10 tonight.

    Snow forecast Saturday week. Folks, that ice is still building!

  3. tomB says:

    Cambridge bay Nunavut -27* C this morning Apr 26

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