Monthly Archives: April 2014

And Four Days Later …..

Four days after the Easter Sunday tornado of 1913 which killed 250 people, a massive flood in the Ohio River Valley killed 1,000 people and left 200,000 homeless. Climate experts who say that the weather is getting more extreme, are … Continue reading

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Easter Sunday Tornado Of 1913

Before your SUV made the climate extreme, an Easter Sunday tornado in 1913 killed 250 people in Nebraska.   OMAHA COUNTS 200 LIVES LOST – Surrounding Towns Add 50 More — Roll of Injured Numbers Nearly 500. – View Article … Continue reading

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Another Nevada Rancher Targeted For Ruin By The BLM Storm Troopers

A startling decision on government wrongdoing by a federal court in U.S. v. Estate of E. Wayne Hage gives credence to those who say that the federal government is engaging in a “war on the West” that is hurting rural communities. It is a … Continue reading

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5.8 Degrees Of Data Tampering In Oregon

Mark Albright has located a smoking gun of NCDC data tampering in Oregon. In June, 1898 the US Weather Bureau reported that Oregon averaged 62.2F for the month, 1.7 degrees above normal. But NCDC reports that June, 1898 in Oregon was … Continue reading

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Minnesota Having Its Coldest Start To The Year On Record

Minnesota temperatures through April 18 are the coldest on record

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Feynman Explained That Belief In Settled Science Is The End Of Hope And Progress

It is in the admission of ignorance and the admission of uncertainty that there is a hope for the continuous motion of human beings in some direction that doesn’t get confined, permanently blocked, as it has so many times before … Continue reading

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Where Does Musical Genius Come From?

Like myself, John Denver was born in New Mexico and lived much of his life in Colorado. He wrote this song in ten minutes, while riding up a chair lift 40 years ago. [youtube=]

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Understanding Progressives

In case you hadn’t realized that progressives are both completely insane and very dangerous. This comment was among the most popular on a Guardian Bundy hit piece. A rancher’s armed battle against the US government is standard libertarian fare | Kieran … Continue reading

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Troops Dealing With A Domestic Terrorism Problem During The 1930s

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A Different View Of Extreme Weather From 1975


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