Monthly Archives: April 2014

Odds That Climate Alarmists Know What They Are Talking About – Slim To None

Climate scientists are certain that recent global warming is caused only by man, and can not occur naturally. Odds that global warming is due to natural factors:slim to none Saturday, April 12, 2014 The graphs below are taken from … Continue reading

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Climategate Scientists Getting Rid Of The 1940’s Temperature Spike In The Arctic

As of 2011, NASA showed a large spike in eastern Arctic temperatures around the year 1940 During the previous year, climategate scientists discussed their desire to get rid of the 1940s spike From: Tom Wigley <[email protected]> To: Phil Jones … Continue reading

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IPCC Switches Their Story, Shoots Themselves In The Foot

Today, the IPCC says greenhouse gases have accelerated to unprecedented levels and are going to overheat the atmosphere and kill us all. April 13, 2014 A rapid shift to less-polluting energy will be needed to avoid catastrophic global warming because global emissions … Continue reading

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Thomas Jefferson Quotes From 1802

“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that … Continue reading

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The Bill Of Rights In All Its Glory

One of the most liberal Democrats of the 1960s explained why we need the Second Amendment. “Certainly one of the chief guarantees of freedom under any government, no matter how popular and respected, is the right of citizens to keep … Continue reading

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April 12 Great Lakes Ice Cover Is The Highest On Record

Great Lakes ice cover is still 47%, far greater than any previous years on this date. The previous record years of 1979 and 1994, had barely half that amount of ice on this date.

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April 10 Global Sea Ice Area Third Highest On Record

April 10 global sea ice area is just behind the current record year of 1982.

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US Summer Afternoon Temperatures Declining Over The Past 85 Years

Summer afternoon temperatures in the US are declining even faster than winter afternoon temperatures The frequency of 100 degree days is also down 50% since the 1930s. The frequency of all time record maximums was much higher during the 1930s

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US Winter Maximum Temperatures Declining For 85 Years

Winter afternoon temperatures in the US have declined nearly 1º C since 1930. Winters were warm for a few years around 2000, and then again in 2012 – but the trend is towards markedly colder winters in the US.

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Trenberth Is Certain That Man Is The Driver Of Climate

Trenberth says that his fake 0.7C rise in temperature is unprecedented, and that climate change is caused by humans. That is why ice cores show 14C variation over time, and no measurable recent change.

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