Monthly Archives: April 2014

Eight Degrees Of UHI In Phoenix

Climate experts tells us that UHI isn’t important, as indicated by the eight degrees of UHI measured by the National Weather Service in Phoenix

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100% Of The US Warming Trend Since 1930 Is Due To Data Tampering

GISS shows 0.3C of warming in the US since 1930, which is 100% due to data tampering. The thermometers show that US temperatures are declining – then NCDC and GISS tamper with the data, and tell the public that we are heating … Continue reading

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Climate Scientists Never Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste

The 1990 IPCC report showed US daily maximum temperatures plummeting at 1.3C per century since 1930. The report also showed US daily minimum temperatures flat since 1930. From this, they should have been able to approximate how much UHI was occurring, by subtracting the … Continue reading

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Before CO2 Ruined Australia’s Climate

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Learning To Think Like A Progressive

If you are a progressive, this is an upwards trend. And this is a downwards trend. When Obama was elected in 2008, the number of uninsured was 44 million. Now it is 48 million. The press has hailed … Continue reading

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Jo Nova Explains The 14 Steps to Converting A Skeptic To The Global Warming Religion

Step 1 – Stop making predictions that don’t come true. Step 2 – When you make a prediction, don’t just say something “might” happen. Step 3 – Don’t live your life like you don’t believe a word you’re saying. Step … Continue reading

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1896 : Before CO2 Overheated The Atmosphere

January, 1896 was by far the hottest month is Australian history. Some places reached 130 degrees. Parrots dropped dead out of trees. The heat killed millions of rabbits Meanwhile, people dropped dead from the heat in … Continue reading

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Understanding Global Warming Theory

Thou shall repent of your carbon sins, and believe in the one true climate model(s.) Thou shall pay your carbon tithes to the great Pharisees of the IPCC. Lest thou convert all the nations to believe in the carbon religion -a great … Continue reading

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April 6 Global Sea Ice Area Sixth Highest On Record

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Great Lakes Ice Cover More Than 1000% Of Normal

Experts say that global warming brings an early spring and reduced ice cover in the upper midwest. 20140407180000_CVCHDCTGL_0007605958.pdf

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