Monthly Archives: April 2014

Arctic Summer Outlook

There is a lot of thick ice in the western Arctic, which will be difficult to melt this summer. That does not guarantee a high summer extent minimum however, as 2007 also started with a lot of thick ice in … Continue reading

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Your Tax Dollars At Work Generating Fraudulent Data

Anthony Watts reports that the National Weather Service in Chicago says it is the coldest four months on record. This matches my calculations from HCN data. It’s official – Chicago experienced the coldest four months ever on record But NCDC data … Continue reading

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At What Point Do Climate Experts Stop Lying About The State Of The Cryosphere?

Gaia has killed the polar melting scam, but climate experts continue to try to keep it on life support.

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2011 : Obama Said A Fire In Texas Proved Global Warming, And It Was Rick Perry’s Fault

“You’ve got a governor whose state is on fire denying climate change,” Obama told donors referring to Perry. obama-attacks-perry-and-gop It is not normal for a president to attack American citizens. At least not for American presidents. Fires happen all the … Continue reading

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Never Forget

Some days I carry around a 1938 8x56R shell, as a reminder of history. It is a beautiful piece of work, gold colored from tip to tail. That caliber was never used as a combat round by Hitler’s army, but rather used … Continue reading

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Shut Up, We Are Censoring You – Now Explain Yourself

Arresting the boisterous band of lavishly funded climate skeptics won’t solve the problem. That would be a band of zero individuals.  They should be made to go in public, with a spotlight on them, and get them to explain why … Continue reading

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Getting Rid Of The 1940’s Blip

The 1940’s blip was messing up their fake global warming theory, so the Climategate team simply got rid of it.

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98% Consensus Reached

The White House has released the final numbers, and 98% of Americans did not purchase Obamacare.

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Northern Hemisphere Winter Snow Cover Increasing Dramatically Since 1998

A few years ago, the genius Tamino did a blog post saying how stupid I was for claiming that snow cover was increasing.

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Great Lakes Ice Cover Obliterates All Previous Records

Early April ice cover is 700% of normal 20140331180000_CVCHDCTGL_0007594644.gif Ice cover is more than double what it was on this date in 1979

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