Monthly Archives: April 2014

1930 Shock News : Alpine Glaciers In Full Retreat

TimesMachine: December 21, 1930 –

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Hansen Said Global Warming Is As Bad As Slavery

Yesterday, the left wing press was hysterical about Cliven Bundy comparing welfare to slavery. They went into full attack mode calling Bundy a racist, and smearing everyone who had ever mentioned Bundy as also being a racist. Two years ago, James Hansen … Continue reading

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1978 Consensus : No Climate Catastrophe – Equal Chance Of Warming, Cooling, Or Nothing

In 1978, climate scientists weren’t worried. Government later fixed that with tens of billions of dollars in global warming grants. Climate Specialists, in Poll, Foresee No Catastrophic Weather Changes in Rest of Century

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1934 Shock News : Arctic Melting – Greenland Was “Much Milder” 1,000 Years Ago


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Obama’s Science Czar Says Less Energy Means More Jobs

The Windsor Star – Google News Archive Search

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Holdren Gets His Wish

Forty years ago, Holdren said that low cost energy causes unemployment. Now he has high cost energy and high unemployment. He should be very proud his role in making energy prices skyrocket. The Windsor Star – Google News Archive Search

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Milestone Reached : No Global Warming For More Than Half Of The Satellite Record

There has been no global warming for 50.4% of the satellite temperature record. Wood for Trees: Interactive Graphs

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Scam Of The Day

A favorite scam of alarmists like Trenberth and Holdren is to blame damage from Sandy’s storm surge on global warming driven sea level rise. Never mind that there has been no change in the rate of Manhattan “sea level rise” … Continue reading

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Forty Years Of Climate Insomnia

Obama’s science advisor John Holdren says that global warming keeps him up at night. April 25, 2014 HOLDREN: Well, I would say the thing that keeps me up at night the most is the climate change issue Living on Earth: … Continue reading

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Climate Scientist Job Interview Questions

Do you believe in climate change? Do you believe that Republicans are evil and stupid? Are you willing to ostracize anyone who disagrees with you? Are you willing to generate several global warming papers a year full of sciency sounding gibberish … Continue reading

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