Monthly Archives: April 2014

80 Years Ago, 80% Of The US Was Experiencing Moderate To Extreme Drought

Climate experts* tell us that the 2014 drought in California is due to global warming, because they know nothing about the climate. In 1934, the drought covered California, and the vast majority of the rest of the US. * “Climate … Continue reading

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US January-April Temperatures Plummeting At 10C/Century

US temperatures through April 25 are the coldest since 1912, and have been plummeting over the past 16 years at a rate of nearly 11C/century. Climate experts choose to ignore this, and instead focus on data tampering to make the … Continue reading

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1913 : Three Days Over 130 Degrees In One Week

Before your SUV overheated the atmosphere, California had three days over 130 degrees in one week. The hottest temperatures ever recorded on the planet.

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President Obama Healed The Planet

Last June, President Obama waited for a hot day and then hurriedly called an outdoor press conference in mid-afternoon. The purpose was to do a third rate acting job and pretend that he was hot in Washington DC in the summer … Continue reading

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NOAA Blowing Away All Records For Data Tampering In 2014

NOAA is adjusting Illinois temperatures upwards by three degrees in 2014. That makes a total of six degrees data tampering since 1895. Index of /pub/data/ushcn/v2.5/ Disclaimer : Mosher says the temperature record is golden.

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Droughts Weren’t Always Caused By Republicans

NCAR director Kevin Trenberth said in Boulder two weeks ago that droughts  are caused by Republicans – but they used to be caused by Democrats. 18 Jul 1936 – AMERICAN DROUGHT MAY SWING ELECTIONS AGAINST ROO…

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Ice Is A Thing Of The Past In New England

New England is having the coldest start to the year since 1940, the Great Lakes have record ice, and some genius publishes a book saying that ice is a thing of the past. Farewell to Ice Skating

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1898 Forest Fires Killed Millions Of Animals


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The Poles Are Not Melting Down

Contrary to the nonsense being spewed by Trenberth and the rest of the climate alarmist community, the poles are not melting down. Global sea ice area has been averaging above normal since the end of 2012, and is near a record … Continue reading

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Bipolar Disorder In The Arctic

All from the same article. The Arctic is overheated and melting down and full of unusually thick ice and snow. STOP THE FINAL MELTDOWN The Arctic sea ice extent during March was 5th lowest in the 36-year satellite record, according … Continue reading

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