Monthly Archives: April 2014

97% Of Scientific Societies Agree About Climate Change

The vast majority of scientific societies agree that they would like to get their share of the $29 billion/year global warming slush fund. After all, the customer always comes first.

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Plagiarism In The Democratic Party

Orwell wrote 1984 as a warning. He never intended it to become the Democratic Party Platform.

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Alarmists Batting 0.000

Having taken many tens of billions of dollars taxpayer funding, climate experts have not gotten anything right. So they have resorted to plan B – data tampering and hysterics.

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Long Before CO2 Ruined The Climate, Colorado Had Massive Forest Fires

COLORADO FOREST FIRES. – No Cessation of the Destructive Work of the Flames on the Wooded Mountains. – View Article –

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And You Thought The Dark Ages Were Over?

Progressives get stupider by the hour. Twitter / TheDailyClimate: Another #climate #wildfire …

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Nuclear Blowtorch Needed

Reggie’s Arctic row this summer will probably require a nuclear blowtorch, powered by Brawndo. ictn2014042418_2014050200_039_arcticictn.001.gif (740×666)

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If Isaac Newton Had Been A Climate Scientist

If Newton were a climate scientist, he would have called gravity “elevation change” Some days the apple would fall, and other days the apple would rise. The acceleration of gravity would not be a constant, and would always be updated by … Continue reading

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Overheated Atmosphere Bringing Heavy Snow To Arizona And New Mexico

Heavy snow in Arizona at the end of April is a sure sign that the atmosphere is burning up. Weather Street:Clouds and Precipitation Forecast Movie

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Great Lakes Ice Cover 3000% Of Normal – More Than Double The Previous Record

20140421180000_CVCHDCTGL_0007628828.gif (1100×850) NOAA says many years have been colder, because they believe the freezing point of water has changed.

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Hiding The Incline In Arctic Sea Ice

Experts somehow forgot to mention that Arctic sea ice has been increasing.

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