Temperature data tampering is the biggest story in this climate scam, yet a few skeptics are afraid to talk about it. Apparently they feel intimidated by the highly complex science of averaging numbers.
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- conrad ziefle on Illinois 1953 Vs. 2024
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- conrad ziefle on Data Made Simple – Cold January
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- Margaret Smith on Farewell To Climate Warrior Toto
The CAGW cultists have been telling us for 20 years that “the science is settled!” Makes you wonder how they justify changing all those “settled science” temperatures, huh?
And by the way…. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!! (I’ve said it three times, it must be true.) Seriously, you are doing a great service in showing how they have lied about the data. I do not know when, but there will come a time when real scientists look back at this whole CAGW hoax and will realize that among the fraudsters there were exceptions, people who told the truth and who stood up for the facts. You, Sir, will rank high among those exceptions.
I second that thanks
Thanks, Gail.
Another unsung hero who spoke out in the very early days of the AGW plight, long before reality could back him up, was the great late John Daly and I put Steve in the same company. Its not easy holding on to what you know to be the truth and keep sane especially when the weight of supposed evidence is spouted by that nebulas mass of lefts and environmentalists who classify themselves as scientist.
Its a shame about Fulham though Steve and I say that as a Manchester United fan 😉
nebulous as opposed to more than one nebula. Good point tho.
You are preforming a great public service. Thanks.
I think you should write a book or report just on the data tampering issue. I’ve been reading your blog since its creation, but it would be nice to have the information available that is easy to look up the information. I’ll think of a quote or subject, then can’t locate it.
Perhaps someone with computer expertise and a bit of time could do a guide as Ric Werme has for WUWT.
Unfortunately I only know a bit from a bite.
You are right (of course), the data tampering is the biggest story and the silver bullet. I was a skeptic from day one, but when I saw what they were doing to the data, that sealed the deal for me. Keep up the great work Steven, your tenacity and tireless work is making a difference.
Long live the interwebs!
Amen to all of that gator.
Without the internet they would have had all of us headed for our Cosy 14ftX14ft apartments in our new transit villages whether we liked it or not.
What is truly frightening is the globalists missed sneaking this past Congress on June 29, 1994 by a matter of hours. It is called the “Biodiversity Treaty” and would have permanently removed more than half of the USA from our control and would have made the rest, with the exception of small areas (in green) “Limited Access”
How the Convention on Biodiversity was defeated
“Wildlands” MAP: http://www.afn.org/~govern/wildlands.html
That map, which I have seen before, is horrifying.
The end of America.
They are afraid to confront what I have been saying for 3 and 1/2 years, since my Venus/Earth temperatures comparison: There is no valid climate science and no competent climate scientists. They are afraid to seriously consider that the System is broken, in both science and politics. They are afraid that, once the greater truth starts to come out, their carefully crafted positions, of cautious “skepticism”, will be overrun by the outright deniers of the consensus theories. I have always said I am proud to be a denier–not a “skeptic”–of the garbage being passed off, and politically mandated, as science.
I have been close to NOAA people for a long time and they are deathly afraid of bucking the party line.
I am not at all surprised. Your employer always has the whip hand and if it is the government vengeance can be a heck of a lot worse than at a run f the mill corporation.
I am retired because I was black balled ten years ago. My Uncle who was a VP was also blackballed so it does not matter how high up you are.
We are a contrary cantankerous lot. Dad got run out of NYC by the Mafia…
Most government and government funded organisations are like that and more now than ever. The United Kingdom Meteorological Organisation are exactly like that now. About two miles from where I live in SE London lies the grave and abode of Captain and later Admiral Fitzroy who sailed Darwin around the Southern ocean and then saw the importance of weather observations for primarily the royal and merchant navy.
Now if you visit the UKMO website its all about propaganda for climate change and the national health service. No we live in times of untold communication yet the truth is somehow lost in the media output . The other odd anomaly of the AGW times we live in is the left wing and environmentalist who have never before trusted governments and scientist on any issue all of a sudden tell us the science is settled; that alone says so much about these days of fiasco.
Imagine if Gore had been elected instead of Bush and his desired policies had been put into place. Today the world would be celebrating the remarkable success of Gore’s decarbonization plan. Because it would be incredibly obvious to everyone that those policies had in fact worked!
Instead of no warming for 17 years, we would have believed the policies were what caused the no warming for 17 years. Cause and effect right? President Gore decarbonizes the economy and warming slows down and stops! He saved the planet! Hallelujah !!
Fortunately, he was not elected. We escaped an environmentalist created nightmare by the skin of our teeth.
All of this really could have turned out differently. Because by delaying (and hopefully preventing) ill advised action, skeptics are in fact preventing a environmentalist holocaust.
Which Scams Are you referring to the over hyped Climate Gate which investigations by independent academic bodies verified as false? and the fact said methods correlated with other climate gathering methods such as Ice cores .
It’s hard to thread the needle on this question. Unavoidably, adjustments are needed in some cases, such as the history of ocean temps where there have been major changes in technology and sampling. So skeptics can’t rule out adjustments entirely, but many of the actual adjustments seem questionable, as you have documented. But if you raise the question of biased adjustments you are likely to be called a conspiracy theorist. At the very least, skeptics should insist that all the original data be archived and that all of the methods and codes for adjustments should be public.
Thanks for being here Steven, and for all you do.
Steven Goddard has been pointing out examples of large cooling by NCDC of historical temperature data from the early part of the historical record. I decided to check out Oregon and somewhat arbitrarily chose June as a month to investigate.
I first went to Climate-at-a-glance (http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/cag/), selected June and selected Oregon, and then pushed the plot button. Below the plot you will find a data table from which we see the mean Oregon temperature for June 1898 is given as 56.4 F. Then I pulled up the June 1898 Climate Report for Oregon and saw the mean temperature for the state of Oregon “as a whole” was reported to be 62.2. See page 3 of: http://www.atmos.washington.edu/marka/Oregon.June1898.pdf
Also note the state map of monthly mean isotherms on page 2. Now see the monthly summary table on page 5 where only 4 out of a total of 56 Oregon stations (7% of the total) reporting in June 1898 show a mean temperature at or below the Oregon mean temperature of 56.4 F as reported in 2014 by NCDC.
My question…why has NCDC cooled the June 1898 mean temperature of Oregon by -5.8 F over what was reported 116 years ago in 1898?
June 1898 is not an isolated event. For the entire decade of 1895-1904 the mean difference between what NCDC reports in 2014 for Oregon versus what was reported 110 years ago is -4.4 F.