Sneaky Sea Level Rise Bypasses California

Sea level experts in California say that the state is threatened by sea level rise, because they lack access to the Internet or any other sources of actual data.

Los Angeles, California is a huge, coastal metropolitan area home to about 12 million people. By 2050, the city’s infrastructure, museums, and historic buildings will be at risk from rising sea level according to a University of South California study released earlier this year.

Global Warming Poses Huge Challenge to Cities

It also appears that they lack access to a conscience or any integrity, as sea level is not rising in California.

ScreenHunter_337 Apr. 21 09.35

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to Sneaky Sea Level Rise Bypasses California

  1. philjourdan says:

    Worst case of rise I have ever seen!

  2. sott allen says:

    The woman who authored the study (Phyllis Grifman, it was misspelled in the original article) is not a climate scientist, meteorologist, hydrologist but in fact is a Political Science major and (according to her bio, does not even have her Ph D. in that field either (not that a PhD. has much meaning anymore).
    Grant money money must be easy pickings if you believe in global warming/climate change

  3. It goes back to my “Growing Earth” theory, backed up by sound science & massive peer review.

  4. Keitho says:

    My gray haired old mum, titanium knees and all, could outrun the purported sea level rise.

    Hells bells, entire cities could be redeveloped in the normal course of wear and tear before the sea level was a threat. Even those folk who love living along the coast could inch steadily back without any pain or expense.

    Seriously if this is the best alarm these chops can come up with it’s no wonder the world is turning away from the alarmists.

  5. robbcab says:

    It’s just that everyone in CA is so high they’re outpacing sea level rise.

    Crisis adverted.

  6. Jason Calley says:

    Of course the poor people reading the tide gauges in Monterey are confused. How can they hope to understand sea level changes by being there and watching out of their own backyard? They are so close to the problem that they cannot see the forest for the trees. To really understand sea level rise, (and not be deceived by their lying eyes) they need to move someplace better suited — like maybe Boulder, Colorado!

    • spangled drongo says:

      “They are so close to the problem that they cannot see the forest for the trees.”

      That is what it must be, Jason. I’ve been looking at the same waterfront since 1946 in eastern Australia, one of the most tectonically stable continents on earth and the seas refuse to rise. The king tides used to cover our lawn and run into our well back then but they are about 6-8 inches lower these days.

      I’m probably too close to the problem to really notice.

  7. Pathway says:

    Sixty five million years ago Boulder was beach front property, so no place is safe. If they move to Boulder then millions of prairie dogs will be killed and we can’t have that, so it remains a delimma.

  8. Gamecock says:

    Steve, why do you hate museums, and historic buildings?


    Odd that they mention risk specifically to museums, and historic buildings. “It’s for the children! And the museums!”

  9. policycritic says:

    Love these parentheticals:

    because they lack access to the Internet or any other sources of actual data.


    also appears that they lack access to a conscience or any integrity

  10. Billy Liar says:

    The Big One will get LA long before sea level rise does.

  11. Jim Watt says:

    The Onion: Standard deviation no longer enough for perverted statistician.

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