Summers Getting Shorter Here In Fort Collins

In the late 19th century Fort Collins averaged about 200 days between the last spring snow and the first autumn snow, but summer is almostĀ a month shorter now.

Screenshot at Apr 28 20-27-51

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Summers Getting Shorter Here In Fort Collins

  1. philjourdan says:

    I love snow – just not that much!

  2. DaveW says:

    That’s a lot of scatter and you can’t have snow without enough water vapour, but certainly no sign of the climate getting warmer. I lived in Ft Collins in the 80’s. Looks like I picked a cold period. I remember one snow thunderstorm in May, which until I experienced it, never thought could happen.

    How do first and last frosts track?

    Very entertaining site by the way. Thanks.

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