The Heatwave Of April 9-12 1963

On April 9-12 1963, temperatures across south Texas ranged from 101 degrees to 112 degrees. This was long before CO2 overheated the atmosphere. The 112 degree temperature in Rio Grande City, Texas was the hottest ever recorded in the US that early in the year.

ScreenHunter_134 Apr. 12 09.17

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to The Heatwave Of April 9-12 1963

  1. Andy DC says:

    Alarmists don’t give a hoot about historical records. To them every event is always the “worst ever”. And if not, they will adjust the data accordingly.

  2. It hit 90 degrees here in San Antonio on March 28. We endure long summers here.

  3. Brian H says:

    Soon, the march of the ice sheets will relieve your heat stress.

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