The Poles Are Not Melting Down

Contrary to the nonsense being spewed by Trenberth and the rest of the climate alarmist community, the poles are not melting down. Global sea ice area has been averaging above normal since the end of 2012, and is near a record high for the date now. (6) (512×412)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to The Poles Are Not Melting Down

  1. richard says:

    as long as there are ice breakers being built , 7 being built 9 on the drawing board , Russia building the largest ever built, we know the ice is here for a long time yet.

    Ice breakers don’t come cheap!

  2. Mike D says:

    One thing good about that site is the global sea ice area is also on there, though they intentionally present the information in inconsistent formats. Since that site is referenced for the alarmist arctic crap, its easy to just point on the global sea ice extent from the same site. Though they came up with that BS thickness or quality of ice stuff to explain it away. Don’t see any of that anymore because of course the arctic sea ice doesn’t match the claims anymore.

  3. richard says:

    Nope, the ice is here for a long, long time.
    “……For this reason, especially in the summer, there has been an increase in the need for icebreakers on the Northern Sea Route”
    “According to statistics from the Baltic Sea icebreaking authorities, 10750 vessels
    received assistance from icebreakers this season”

  4. richard says:

    check this for bad reporting.

    “A large freighter completed a voyage through the hazardous Arctic Northwest Passage for the first time this week”

    now just a quick check –
    SS Manhattan was an oil tanker constructed at the Fore River Shipyard in Quincy, Massachusetts that became the first commercial ship to cross the Northwest Passage in 1969

    And they wonder why we do not believe a word they say.

  5. Send Al to the Pole says:

    The local weatherman…who is a john cook fan, is publishing reports of record low ice levels…. right now. He doesn’t include a comments section probably because he knows what kind of response he’ll get.

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