The Tornadoes Will Come

The last few years have been very quiet for tornadoes, but years with cold spring temperatures invariably have large tornado outbreaks, and alarmists invariably try to blame them on global warming.

I was nearly caught in this massive F3 tornado in 2008, which destroyed much of Windsor, Colorado. The morning started out very warm and humid, and then a cold front moved through around noon. It felt like the gates of hell had opened up.


ScreenHunter_138 Apr. 06 07.07

On Thursday, May 22, 2008, a wide and powerful tornado swept north northwestward for 39 miles from northeast of Platteville in Weld County to 6 miles west-northwest of Wellington in Larimer County.  The National Weather Service tornado damage assessments conducted on Friday, May 23rd and Saturday, May 24th documented large areas of damage.  On the enhanced Fujita scale there were pockets of EF3 damage especially near the Missile Silo Park Campground west of Greeley and to homes and businesses in eastern Windsor.  Wind estimates in the heavily damaged areas were as high as 130 to 150 mph.

The tornado was as wide as one mile at times along its path.  There was one fatality and 78 injuries.  At least 850 homes were damaged, with nearly 300 homes signficantly damged or destroyed.  Privately insured damages total $193.5 million, and the Poudre Valley Rural Electric Association reported one million dollars of damage to electric transmission facilities.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to The Tornadoes Will Come

  1. Gunny G says:

    Reblogged this on CLINGERS… BLOGGING BAD ~ DICK.G: AMERICAN ! and commented:

  2. Bob Knows says:

    To have a tornado you have to have cold clashing with hot. We have plenty of cold, but hot is scarce this year. Last year we had few tornadoes and few hurricanes, because we don’t have much hot.

  3. Gail Combs says:

    I was thinking the change in weather patterns could mean we are looking at more tornadoes and hurricanes in the near future. The Climastrologists are well aware that you see more unsettled weather in a colder regime with loopy jets which is why they have switched from GoreBull Warming to Weather Weirding.

  4. gator69 says:

    If you look at video of the immediate aftermath of these outbreaks, you will notice people in jackets. The large outbreaks are not brought on by excessive heat.

  5. Steve Keohane says:

    After twelve years and seeing no tornadoes in Indiana, I had to come to Colorado to see them. I saw four between 1975ish and 1991. All between Loveland and Laramie, WY, North-South, and I-25 and Briggsdale, East-West. I don’t believe any were around people or buildings.

  6. Gary H says:

    Super Tornado outbreak Apr 14 16, 2011

    Media was out in force hyping up the “unusually warm gulf,” as the cause of the outbreak – not reality.
    Caused by cold dry air slamming into the warm gulf moist air. Gulf is always warm and moist in the spring. It’s not about whether or not the water temperature is a couple degrees one way or the other; it’s simply about the collision.
    I saved these 3 graphics from Accuweather at the time:

    The predominate feature responsible for the outbreak – global warming, right? LOL.

  7. allen993 says:

    I Believe The Devastating Tornadoes Always Occurs All The Time Because Every Storms Are Part
    Of Forces Of Nature And It’s Violent Nature Kills Thousands Of People Living In Most States In A
    merica Today And It’s Aftermath Is Devastating And It Feels Like The End Of The World Is Comin
    g And Increasing Of Natural Disasters Are All Over The Country Causing More Pain And Death!

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