Understanding The Polar Vortex

Climate experts announced yesterday that the polar vortex which brought cold weather to the east this winter, was caused by missing Arctic ice.

Additional research has determined that the Arctic Vortex was directly caused by Reggie’s blowtorch, which melted the ice.

ScreenHunter_243 Apr. 16 19.34


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Understanding The Polar Vortex

  1. *writes on the blackboard* I will not put a polar vortex over the International Space Station.

  2. Hugh K says:

    A Bipolar Vortex would be more accurate:

    To wit, Obama’s climate guru John Holden commenting on the polar vortex – “If you’ve been hearing that extreme cold spells, like the one we’re having in the United States now, disproves global warming, don’t believe it,” Holden says, explaining that “no single weather episode proves or disproves climate change.”

    Unwilling to leave it at that, Holden then takes the bold step of linking the weather to man-made climate change. “But we also know that this week’s cold spell is of a type there’s reason to believe may become more frequent in a world that’s getting warmer, on average, because of greenhouse gas pollution.”

    • Jason Calley says:

      When I read the book “1984” as a teenager, I was mystified that the masses of people in the novel were able to “double-think”, that is, to keep two diametrically opposing beliefs at the same time and to not even be aware that they were holding contradictory ideas. “How bizarre!”, I thought. “I wonder whether anyone could be so brainwashed that they could do that…”

      I no longer wonder about that.

  3. omanuel says:

    When Climategate emails surfaced in Nov 2009 nobody imagined this might lead us back to a UNited decision to deceive the public sixty-four years earlier (Oct 1945) about

    1. Nuclear energy in heavy atoms like Uranium
    2. Stellar energy in ordinary stars like the Sun!

    Why else would John Holden and his army of well-paid, consensus scientists refuse to step forward now and openly address nine pages of precise experimental data (pp. 19-27) that FALSIFY their post-1945 consensus models of heavy atoms and ordinary stars?

    To verify this, just ask any of them to address the well-documented discrepancy (pp. 19-27) between government consensus models and empirical reality:


  4. D. Self says:

    So what caused the Polar Vortex(Vortex’s) in the late 70’s? Silence…….

  5. Eric Simpson says:

    OT: but I saw this 30 second video of a bird getting killed by a windmill, and I’m thinking, this is it, spread the word on this video and it will turn people off to wind power, for got reason. I know, there are going to be liberal Chicken Little$ that say “what is that big bird doing flying around that windmill? How stupid. It deserves every bit of its painful demise.” Right. It’s a bird for crying out loud. Give it a break. They have never had to deal with these monstrous wind behemoths in millions of years. Geez.

    This is the video. Bird killed by green energy. 30 seconds. Graphic. Painful. SAD:
    Now at hotair I commented: If anybody watches the second of the three videos that I highlighted above, and after that gruesome spectacle, is still for producing more windmills, I’d be shocked. I mean it would be one thing to say keep the windmills that we have, don’t tear them down just because of birds, but to say that we should produce more of these ghastly bird killers, I would be at a loss for words. And this is just because of the birds, and see that video and you will see that the birds are reason enough, but also it makes no sense from an energy or economic or even a climate perspective to construct these eyesores. None.

  6. Send Al to the Pole says:

    Where is Reggie anyway? Maybe you should let him post something Steve, so we can all get a chuckle.

  7. njsnowfan says:

    April 16, 2014: Earth’s poles are separated by four oceans, six continents and more than 12,000 nautical miles.
    This January, a time of year when southern NLCs are usually abundant, the AIM spacecraft observed a sudden and unexpected decline in the clouds. Interestingly, about two weeks earlier, winds in the Arctic stratosphere were strongly perturbed, leading to a distorted polar vortex.

    “We believe that this triggered a ripple effect that led to a decline in noctilucent clouds half-way around the world,” says Laura Holt of the University of Colorado’s Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics. “This is the same polar vortex that made headlines this winter when parts of the USA experienced crippling cold and ice.”

    Turns out, that’s not so far apart.

    New data from NASA’s AIM spacecraft have revealed “teleconnections” in Earth’s atmosphere that stretch all the way from the North Pole to the South Pole and back again, linking weather and climate more closely than simple geography would suggest.


    What drives the NLC’s is the sun and weak solar cycles. strong sun like past winter there are less NLC’s.
    Even NASA has said that in the past. here was but it seems to be gone noe solar cycle and NLC’s from nasa video

  8. Andy DC says:

    Nuremberg Trials for Reggie, for his crimes against nature and humanity!

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