Understanding Universal Health Care

The White House is excitedly claiming that 7 million people signed up for Obamacare in 2013/2014.

Ignoring that their number is probably total BS, it works out to a whopping 2% of the US, which the White House calls “universal health care.”

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Understanding Universal Health Care

  1. Andy Oz says:

    That sounds like Detroit and Chicago plus some from California.
    A tidal wave of support…..LOL

  2. Ben says:


    Obama calls 6 million uninsured signing up as a victory.

    Does anyone recall the most toted estimate of uninsured the president cited to justify Obabacare? 47 million. Lets do the math.

    Assuming they speak the truth
    47,000,000 uninsured – 6 million signups + 5 canceled/kickedoff/newlyuninsured =
    46,000,000 uninsured

    Great Job Obama!

    “So how many uninsured people are out there, facing those risks? The most frequently cited estimate, 45.7 million in 2007, comes from an annual census survey. That number was down slightly from the year before, but given the financial crisis, it is almost certainly rising again.”


  3. philjourdan says:

    After they “found” half a million jobs just before the 2012 election, did anyone seriously believe they would not find 7 million signups for the fraud?

  4. Don Penim says:

    Debra Saunders – Columnist at the San Francisco Chronicle:

    There’s no need for a repeal when Washington is bound to revamp the law. The reason: Consumers aren’t buying it.

    According to the White House, more than 6 million people have signed onto Obamacare exchanges. Problem: The law kicked close to 5 million Americans off their private health care plans. Also, the administration says it doesn’t know how many new plan members actually are paying their premiums, so that 6 million figure could be highly inflated.

    At best, more than 1 million extra Americans got new private coverage, while 5 million individual policyholders got kicked off their old plans. Some won’t have access to the doctors they were promised they could keep.

    For many, the new plans are less affordable than their old plans. Industry graybeard Robert Laszewski found that many exchange providers “are just re-enrolling their old customers at higher rates.” Call it the Less Affordable Care Act.

    …The private market has had many drawbacks but one salvation:
    Until Obamacare, people were free to refuse to pay for a bad deal.


  5. tom0mason says:

    From what I’ve seen of universal health care, it ain’t universal and no-one working in it cares.

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