Vortex Swallows Alarmist IQ’s

Northern hemisphere tornadoes occur when cold dry air from the north meets warm humid air in the south. The south has warm humid air most of the year, so the key ingredient is the cold air. That is why April has more tornadoes than July – when the air is warmer and more humid.

Global warming theory requires that the Arctic warms, which means less cold air to form tornadoes. People who claim that global warming brings more or stronger tornadoes, are scientifically illiterate. Which of course is the norm for climate experts.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Vortex Swallows Alarmist IQ’s

  1. David A says:

    Add to this the reality that there has been virtually no warming from 60 degrees north to 65 degrees south.

  2. rabbit says:

    People keep thinking that heat is energy. Therefore the warmer the air, the more violent the storm.

    Well heat is a type of energy, but thermodynamically the ability to do work is dictated by the steepness of the temperature gradient — that is, the change in temperature in space.

    This is not radical stuff. It has been known for two centuries.

    • Gail Combs says:

      “…This is not radical stuff. It has been known for two centuries.”
      Unfortunately calculus has also been known for centuries but Warmists still can not tell the difference between “Warm” and “Warming”.

      …Gerard Roe realized a trivial mistake that had previously been done. And a similar mistake is being done by many people all the time – scientists as well as laymen; alarmists as well as skeptics. The problem is that people confuse functions and their derivatives; they say that something is “warm” even though they mean that it’s “getting warmer” or vice versa.

      In this case, the basic correct observation is the following: If you suddenly get more sunshine near the Arctic circle, you don’t immediately change the ice volume. Instead, you increase the rate with which the ice volume is decreasing (ice is melting). Isn’t this comment trivial?

      Nigel Calder knew that this was the right comparison to be made back in 1974….
      In defense of Milankovitch by Gerard Roe

    • David A says:

      Yes and ?

  3. Sparks says:

    I was following the recent tornadoes live, I’m gutted that lives were lost… here’s the link : http://www.severestudios.com/livechase

    Sometimes it seems that the point that weather kills is lost in the fog and becomes diluted by agendas and theories. You should never become desensitized to loss of life. Tornadoes are not caused by Co2, in my opinion… regardless, tornadoes are a fact and are a still a threat to life, puzzling over models for 10, 50 or 100 years from now isn’t going to save a single life if one touches down today.

  4. John B., M.D. says:

    Richard Muller’s explanation for low tornadoes (11-20-13) agrees with Steve Goddard’s: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/11/21/opinion/the-truth-about-tornadoes.html?hp&rref=opinion&_r=1&

  5. ren says:

    This article explains how low solar activity may affect climate change.

  6. _Jim says:

    ” Northern hemisphere tornadoes occur when cold dry air from the north meets warm humid air in the south. ”

    No. We had that happen at least half a dozen times this last winter and NO tornadoes! The complete answer is a little more involved than that and I don’t have the time to go deeper …

    • If A is a subset of B, that does not mean A and B are the same set.

      • _Jim says:

        If you had said something along the lines of “Minimum requirements are” I would have agreed. As it was, this last winter most often the ‘warm’ moist air simply overran the cold air yielding a mix on winter-type precipitation (frz rain/sleet, lt snow). We were missing, in most cases, the additional factor such as jet stream/low pressure impulse aloft, although we had a couple instances where thunder-sleet was experienced owing to that dynamic influence.

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