Weather Underground Reports 122 Degrees In Denver Today

ScreenHunter_342 Apr. 21 11.17

Fort Collins, Colorado (80526) Conditions & Forecast | Weather Underground

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Weather Underground Reports 122 Degrees In Denver Today

  1. gator69 says:

    They found the missing heat!

  2. robbcab says:

    From Weather Underground:
    “Marquette, Michigan just observed a -5°F temperature on April 16th: its coldest such reading for so late in the season and also the latest date for a zero or below temperature ever observed. As of April 17th some 28” of snow still lies on the ground (18.3” of which fell in the past four days). Additionally, Lake Superior is clogged by the most ice (34% coverage) for this time so late in the season since accurate measurements of such began in 1973.”

    But sadly (and not surprisingly), no mention of it on their homepage.

    Yet today’s Denver “temperature” is listed in their Worldwide Events section.

    Not that it requires mentioning, but more reliable reports put Denver in the mid 60’s which just happens to be the average temperature for this time of year.

    It’s not worse then we thought.

    • Hugh K says:

      “….more reliable reports put Denver in the mid 60?s which just happens to be the average temperature for this time of year…..It’s not worse then we thought.”

      Not worse until NOAA/NASA performs their magic adjustment and the NCDC dutifully files that corrupted data for posterity. Doncha’ just love big gov?

  3. Jason Calley says:

    Of course the big question is how the CAGW cultists will handle this. Even they will not try to claim a record high temperature at 122 degrees. On the other hand, what are the chances that they will still leave the 122 degrees in when they calculate average monthly and yearly temperatures?

  4. robbcab says:

    Just sent this Tweet over to “Dr.” Masters
    @wunderground They must have parked a jet or two in front of the thermometer at DEN again. 122F. “Worldwide Events” #Really ?

  5. Chip Bennett says:

    Man(n), talk about your Urban Heat Island!

  6. Joe says:

    Must be that mobile hot spot again that constantly moves around the globe.

  7. Curt says:

    Hmmm. 122F is 50C. Did someone mean to enter 50F and enter 50C instead?

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