Ninety Degree Days In Michigan Down 50% Over The Last 80 Years

The frequency of ninety degree days in Michigan through July 9 is down 50% from what it was in the 1930s. The last two summers (2013/2014) are among the coolest on record.

ScreenHunter_941 Jul. 11 09.02

Heidi Cullen’s Climate Central is (of course) lying about Midwest temperatures.

ScreenHunter_940 Jul. 11 08.35

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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21 Responses to Ninety Degree Days In Michigan Down 50% Over The Last 80 Years

  1. Tom In Indy says:

    Think of all the CO2 saved because people living in the norther U.S. will no longer have to winter in the South! I’ve created a new metric for these types of situations. It’s called the measure of “polar bears and penguins saved or not killed”.

    I estimate that the CO2 reduction from warmer temperatures in the northern U.S. will “save or not kill” a minimum of 100,000 polar bears and penguins by 2050. (Compared to the counterfactual of geo-engineering a cooler climate.) As a bonus, the range of polar bears will extend southward as they adapt to an ice-free arctic and develop a taste for zebra mussels and Asian carp.

  2. BobW in NC says:

    And then, there’s this report: “Polar vortex arrives for mid-July.” “The summer-time version of the Polar Vortex is about to arrive next week, bringing unusually cold air to the Great Lakes and much of central North America….Temperatures are likely to be 5-10°C below normal. This will keep daytime highs buried in the teens with overnight lows in the single digits. This cold air is expected to move as far south as Texas where record low temperatures could be broken.” (Source: Drudge)

  3. _Jim says:

    Heidi, this is insane. Come back to your senses.

  4. Bob Greene says:

    Which part of Michigan? There is a pretty good variation in temperatures in the state. In SW Michigan the traditional garden planting time is Memorial Day because you are pretty much guaranteed of no frosts but the planting season usually starts in mid-April. This year, the “season” started at least 2 weeks late in SW Michigan and the greenhouse folks looked a little ragged keeping up with the delay and Mother’s Day.

  5. Ernest Bush says:

    This cold air mass will have to remain in place without change for some days for this to be remarkable. Otherwise, it will be in the range of temperatures seen in the past, and, therefore, nothing new under the sun (or clouds). It sounds too much like the hype over the recent hurricane. It’s just another chance for the press to continue to use weather to strike fear in the hearts of low-information voters. Our local forecast in Yuma, Arizona, is calling for highs below 110 degrees during next week. That’s at least ten degrees below modern record highs here.

  6. Organic Fool says:

    Government data: US in decade-long cooling period

    “New government data suggests that the average temperature in the United States has cooled by approximately 0.7 degrees Fahrenheit during the last decade.

    The statistics come courtesy of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration”

  7. Ben Vorlich says:

    The thing about being economical with the actualité is that when people can see for themselves then they start ignoring, then laughing at and finally become scornful of those telling the lies. That is until there is a financial impact when they become violent.

  8. we tied another record low on JUL 3; set eight record lows so far this year

  9. De Paus says:

    As I understand Heidi Cullen was born in 1954. By the end of this century, in 2100, Heidi is no longer alive, she would have to reach the age of 146 years, As professor Fritz Vahrenholt has pointed out: these long term predictions are easy to make. People like Heidi get their CO2 Scaremongering Maffia funding right now, and by the time the predictions turn out to be false, the people that made them are either pensioners or dead.

  10. jeo says:

    Just to confirm, this means 90+ degree days, right?

  11. An Inquirer says:

    I concur that # of +100 degree days have gone down. As a child in the 50s, I remember bounded into the house telling Mom that the temperature had reached “100 degrees above zero.” She asked if I really needed to include “above zero.” 🙂 In subsequent days and in the remaining years of my youth, I left off the “above zero” phrase in my announcements — but there were several announcements! Now, it has been decades since we have had a temperature above 100.
    At the same time, extreme cold temperature in the winter are definitely less extreme now. It also has been decades since we have had -30 degrees. Once in the 70s, we hit -40 degrees.

  12. Andy DC says:

    I love the word “will” to describe tempertures 86 years from now. I can just as easily say that the moon WILL turn into green cheese by 2100 and it would have the same meaning.

  13. inMAGICn says:

    “In the long run we are all dead.”

    J.M. Keynes

    Misunderstood where he was correct, downright dangerous when wrong, JMK’s quotation really hits home concerning warmist prognostication.

    • _Jim says:

      I prefer

      “On a long enough time line, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.”

      ? Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club *

      … only because it seems just slightly more optimistic …


      * Also seen on the mast head at ZH. (

  14. Hugh K says:

    Dear Heidi,
    But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them. For out of the heart come ..false testimony…

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