The Largest Fire In US History Occurred In Washington – During The Coldest Year Ever

President Obama is blaming the current fires in Washington on global warming. As always, he has absolutely no idea what he is talking about.

Great Fire of 1910

Believed to be the largest fire in U.S. history, the Great Fire of 1910 burned over two days from August 21 and August 21, 1910, in the states of Washington, Idaho and Montana. An estimated three million acres of land were burned by the blaze and 87 people were killed.

Largest Wildfires in US History | List of the Worst Wild Fires

According to NASA, 1910 was one of the coldest years on record.

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to The Largest Fire In US History Occurred In Washington – During The Coldest Year Ever

  1. ty says:

    Obama and the other depopulation puppets just try to DISTRACT humankind from ongoing global cooling

  2. JP says:

    Good post. And going back in History, we should also note that the Great London Fire occurred during the coldest decades of the Little Ice Age. The fire itself began in a tiny bakery in London’s crowded city center. What many people don’t know is that England during that late summer period was going through a very nasty drought/heat wave. A strong high pressure cell over Scandinavia brought very dry north easterlies across most of the UK. From April through September, not a drop of rain fell on London, and temperatures that summer easily went over 90 degrees F during the afternoon hours. Once the fire broke out, the north-easterlies fanned the flames. Samuel Pepys wrote about the fire that burnt half of London to the ground.

    And over here in the US, a similar drought was devastating the East Coast Tidewater states. Many climatologists say it was the worst drought to hit North America in 800 years. For decades, Virginia and the Carolinas had little to no precipitation, as a stubborn area of high pressure from the subtropics refused to budge. Early Spanish missionaries tried to settle Virginia, but soon left and settled in Florida. Early English colonists in Virginia, who were on pretty much on their own either starved or moved in land where they were never heard from again (ditto for the native Americans).

    Both of these historical droughts in the Northern Hemisphere occurred during the coldest decades of the LIA.

    • Brian H says:

      The basics seem invisible to Climate Science: air dries as it cools, and then swings much more easily and widely in temperature. Damp air is far more stable.

  3. Curt says:

    The news reports on the Washington fire keep calling it the largest fire in Washington State history. A story today lists it at 250,000 acres, 1/12 the size of the 1910 fire (but how much of that was in Washington?).

  4. R. Shearer says:

    The 1871 Peshtigo fire was also huge and resulted in great loss of loss occurring on the same October night as the Great Chicago fire and huge fires in Michigan.

  5. Brian H says:

    Remember and record the data, and keep it holy and wholly. Your new motto!

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