Academics have been trying to silence climate heretic Bill Gray for a long time.
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The Idiots should consider timing thier pleas for ignorance more carefully. The last day before Christmas break, right after finals, could be about the least valuable day of the year to post appeals to action. But if they were smart….
As Mark Twain intimates there is hope for these 14 year olds
When I was 14, my father was so stupid I could scarcely stand to have the old man around, but by the time I was 21, I was amazed by what he’d learned in just seven years
On a similar note;
The little kid: “My dad is better than your dad”,
The 14yr old; “My dad doesn’t know what he is talking about”
The 40yr old: “My father used to say….”
My father was stupid at 14 and by the time I was 21, he seemed even more stupid.
“If you’re not a liberal when you’re 25, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative by the time you’re 35, you have no brain.”
Adukt liberals remind me of the domesticated foxes whose noses became blunter and behavior more puppy like….
It is part of an intellectual evolution, if you are not a Libertarian by 45, you are a useful idiot.
gator69 says:
March 28, 2015 at 12:42 am
It is part of an intellectual evolution, if you are not a Libertarian by 45, you are a useful idiot.
Ralph Moody Hall (born May 3, 1923) was a United States Representative from Texas’s 4th congressional district. He was first elected in 1980, and was the chairman of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology from 2011 to 2013. He was also a member of the Committee on Energy and Commerce. In 2004, he switched to the Republican Party after having been a member of the Democratic Party for more than 50 years.
At 91, he was the oldest serving member of Congress at the end of his last term in office, the oldest person to ever serve in the House of Representatives, the oldest person ever elected to a House term and the oldest House member ever to cast a vote. He and Michigan Congressman John Dingell[2] were the last two World War II veterans serving in Congress.[
Views on climate change
On December 1, 2011, Hall gave an interview to National Journal in which he expressed disbelief in anthropogenic climate change. He accused climate scientists of concocting the evidence for anthropogenic climate change in order to receive federal research grants, citing the Climategate controversy and calling investigations which had largely exonerated them “straw-man reviews”. He stated that “I’m really more fearful of freezing. And I don’t have any science to prove that. But we have a lot of science that tells us they’re not basing it on real scientific facts.” He responded to allegations that Republicans could be called anti-science in light of these views by saying “I’m not anti-science, I’m pro-science. But we ought to have some believable science…. We have to be more careful what outlays we make for something that hasn’t been proved.”[30]
An old saying from my railroad days: You’re not worth a damn to yourself or anyone else until you are 30.
IzaBlue, eh? Come on then. Have the balls to show yourself.
My Iza Blue Horse Pedigree Pedigree Query
Thoroughbred pedigree for My Iza Blue, progeny, and female family reports from the Thoroughbred Horse Pedigree Query.
Perhaps only one end of it…
Perhaps a portion of it’s product…
Do not forget the musical “Cabaret”
Character assassination and science go together like hand and glove (sarc).
2009 . Since then Nazi US and Nazi EU only have become more powerful. Soon freedom will be a thing of the past.
Notice how these climate change cultist scumbags have to point out that Dr. Gray is an “old man”. Ageism is a crucial part of Alinsyite tactics: you have to rally the young people to “change” things, because everybody over the age of 40 is “old”, anachronistic, and out of touch, and too set in their ways. It’s sickening. Basically, the principle is “ignore anyone who has life experience and is wiser than you, shout them down, ban them, kill them, and institute commie totalitarianism for the good of mankind. It’s just radicalism for its own sake. Leftists are emotionally disturbed, and obsessed with the idea that there is always something worng with life and with the world.
They’re just like the Khmer Rouge.
They ARE the Khmer Rouge.
Khmer Verte
EXCELLENT! I will have to remember that.
Yeah, that was a good one.
Better dead than … green.
It’s worse than we thought, the alarmists are both…
War has been declared.
You are very fortunate to have met Bill Gray. A high school teacher at North High in Wichita, KS – perhaps a relative of Dr. Bill Gray named Mr. Cecil Gray – encouraged me to pursue a career in science in 1954, although I was a school dropout and mad at the world.
Now, sixty-one years later, we know that science was converted into a tool of government while we argued if
1. CO2 heats or cools the Earth,
2. Solar neutrinos oscillate or not,
3. The Sun makes or consumes H,
4. Neutrons attract or repel neutrons,
5. Etc., etc., etc., etc., ad infinitum, but . . .
what really mattered, the United Nations encouraged governments to DECEIVE the public about the source of energy in cores of
Heavy atoms
Some planets
Ordinary stars
Ordinary galaxies
The expanding universe
after being formed on 24 Oct 1945 !
1. Changing the internal composition of the Sun from:
_ a.) Mostly iron (Fe) in 1945 to
_ b.) Mostly hydrogen (H) in 1946
2. Changing the definition of nuclear stability from:
_ a.) Aston’s valid concept of “nuclear packing fraction” before WWII to
_ b.) Weizsacker’s flawed concept of “nuclear binding energy” after WWII..
3. Destroying the integrity of major fields of science: Astronomy, astrophysics, climatology, cosmology, geology, nuclear, particle, planetary, solar and theoretical physics
See: “Solar energy”
[See also this Teachers Supplement to “Solar energy”]
that is vile.
That post is 5 1/2 years old. I wonder how long it stayed up on that bulletin board. I also wonder if IzaBlue graduated, and if he/she is still practicing his/her fascist tendencies to censor and silence undesireable scientists (or any others) who do not conform to communal group-think.
The message of this memo boils down to .
Noting the polls which show concern for the CAGW meme is at the very bottom of the list of concerns held by the general public, I think that the people have give their answer to this ill conceived and hateful request from IzaBlue.
The answer is no.
Seems I inadvertently caused part of my post to be omitted.
Reposting the entire message.
The message of this memo boils down to “I think it’s time for everyone to think as I think, do as I say, and hate as I hate”.
Noting the polls which show concern for the CAGW meme is at the very bottom of the list of concerns held by the general public, I think that the people have give their answer to this ill conceived and hateful request from IzaBlue.
The answer is no.
If the crops start to fail in the next few years that will be perhaps the start of a new conversation.
I went looking for IzaBlue and stumbled onto this…. BLEECKE
At least this girl’s name is appropriate for her studies, and she openly admits she wants to trick people for personal gain…
Brigitte Moneymaker
22-year-old Virginia native, BS Environmental Science from SUNY ESF, trying to trick someone to take me back to South America.
From the mouths of babes…
Yes…I also particularly like the”aspiring comedian and climate policy maker (LOL!)
Another useless major/advanced degree. They’ll be thousands of dollars in debt and a Starbucks Barista. Probably can’t even change a light bulb.
They prefer to stay in the dark anyway.
That is the whole idea. Lots of useless 4 year degrees for the brain dead to take that puts them in debt to the Banksters. Note that bankruptcy DOES NOT wipe your student loan debt.
The lack of money is the root of all evil.
-Mark Twain
Turn left, lights go out. Turn right, lights come on.
Man that is deep.
Ever notice that in about every public place in the US that has bathrooms the Men’s room is on the left and the Women’s room on the right? My wife says that’s because Women are always right.
You are a brave man to publish a photo an illegal device, they are coming for you (My sincerest apologies to Cheap Trick)…
The bulb police, twisty bulbs make me see red
The bulb police, I wish they all would drop dead
The bulb police, sent by the IPCC, oh, no
Those bulbs are pushed by creeps
And the light hurts my eyes
Incandescents are cheap
And they will shine throughout the night, so bright
‘Cause they’re working for me
And now I can see
Every single night
They’re better, that is plain
The greens are just insane
The bulb police, they must be fracked in the head (fracked on the head)
The bulb police, stay clear or you will eat lead (you will eat lead)
The bulb police, they’re coming to arrest me, oh, no
Well, I can’t tell lies
They’re made with mercury
And when they fall, Oh (bleep)!
From the room I must flee, in fright, aint right
‘Cause they’re poisoning for me
They’re toxic debris
Every single night
They’re driving me insane
That light just hurts my brain
I try to read, they’re dim, headache, all for the arctic zone
They don’t last long as advertised or glow with a warm tone
They’re blinding me, I only hope, the Bulb Act will get done
They irritate me, we can all thank that jerk James Hansen
‘Cause they’re truly crappy
And sold by decree
Every single light
They’re driving me insane
Those lights just hurt my brain
The bulb police, they must be fracked in the head (fracked in the head)
The bulb police, stay clear or you will eat lead (you will eat lead)
The bulb police, they’re coming to arrest me
The bulb police (police, police)
The bulb police (police, police)
The bulb police (police, police)
The bulb police (police, police)
The bulb police (police, police)
The bulb police (police, police)
More aptly titled “140 job seekers seeking jobs in rent seeking.”
And then consider this, some college’s are graduating over 90% of the class ‘with honors’…
Now that is salesmanship! Now maybe they can get a sales job with that over-inflated GPA.
Iza Blue, because it’s been so COLD this year!!! (freshman humor)
Bring back the rack; I could use a good ‘stretch’ …
Darn it Tony, you jinked the weather and now the climate propagandists will have a field day.
Okay, I can’t resist:
(Or if that doesn’t work for you):
A bunch of old white dudes in shackles, being blamed for everything. Is that W on the far right? Red Robe should have been black, or at least mixed race.
stocks, not shackles.
This one really pisses me off.
There are some that are ruining the reputation of CSU, but it is not Bill Gray.
Why did I have to read this, now I am damn angry, should not let it happen
The only thing I (we) can do is send support to or for Bill Gray.
One of the Asshats, who wrote the New Dietary Guidelines saying the USA should become vegetarian, came from my University — A COW COLLEGE prof is agreeing that cows are BAD for the environment. SNARL…
South Pole is in place. Where is the north ?
Region 12303 [N19W54] decayed slowly and quietly.
Region 12305 [S09E02] became less active. The two largest penumbrae merged with a weak magnetic delta prsent in the southern section.
Region 12307 [S19W26] decayed quickly and quietly.
Region 12310 [N07E21] decayed slowly and quietly.
Region 12313 [N17E39] was quiet and stable.
New region 12314 [S22E68] rotated into view on March 25 and was numbered by SWPC the next day.
Another indicator of the level of solar activity is the flux of radio emission from the Sun at a wavelength of 10.7 cm (2.8 GHz frequency). This flux has been measured daily since 1947. It is an important indicator of solar activity because it tends to follow the changes in the solar ultraviolet that influence the Earth’s upper atmosphere and ionosphere. Many models of the upper atmosphere use the 10.7 cm flux (F10.7) as input to determine atmospheric densities and satellite drag. F10.7 has been shown to follow the sunspot number quite closely and similar prediction techniques can be used.
Are ratios of solar emissions – (e.g., x-ray : UV : VIS : IR) measured and reported over solar cycles?
If so, where?
If not, why not ?
“Life and subatomic particles evolved together on opposite sides of
the photosphere, the brightly glowing layer that is commonly called
the Sun or the surface of the Sun. Beneath the photosphere, neutrons
from the Sun’s compact energetic core become atoms of hydrogen
and helium with a 10~15 fold increase in volume. The distance
between interstellar atoms is about 10~8 times larger than the size of
the atoms themselves, so the volume increase is 10~15 x 10~24 = 10~39
when individual neutrons in stellar cores become individual
interstellar atoms, appreciably larger than the value of ~1023 reported
earlier [122]. Other atoms remained gravitationally attached to the
Sun and formed planets in the heliosphere, high above the
photosphere. Life evolved on at least one of these planets, Earth. The
evolution of life and its survival by adaptation were probably
encouraged by constantly changing positions of planets around the
Sun. This causes changes in the Sun’s motion around the centre-ofmass
(barycentre) of the solar system and likely induces solar cycles
and natural changes in Earth’s climate [123,124].
Kuroda visited Hiroshima soon after August 6, 1945 and later
reported the possibility of a Sun-like nuclear “fire” in the early solar
system causing transmutations of elements [9,41,55,125-127]. Fear of
man-made nuclear “fire” may have convinced world leaders and
leaders of scientific community to obscure findings that might expose
neutron repulsion as the nuclear force that triggers the creation and
destruction of elements. ”
The monthly averages are the radio emission from the Sun at a wavelength of 10.7 centimetres averaged over the month. Vertical scale units are in solar flux units (1 sfu = 10-22.m-2.Hz-1), horizontal scale units are in years.
Are you aware of Dr Evans notch-delay solar theory? Jo Nova introduced it on her blog. Here are the links all in one place.
David Archibald wrote an article about it.
Tallbloke’s Talkshop also discussed the theory.
Figure 6: The amplitudes of the empirical transfer function when the data is restricted in the ways marked (that is, using a subset of the data used to find Figure 5). The black line and the gray zone are as in Figure 5.
Ren, I see you have already commented at Tallbloke’s Talkshop.
I am going to leave the comment up to add to Dr Norman Page alternate method of validation. Tallbloke has added some interesting information on the Solar-ENSO connection that may add to Dr. Evan’s theory.
One of Tallbloke’s posts on the subject: Are the Sun and Moon both acting on El Nino events?
Hi Ren. The geographical north Pole is still there, and the magnetic poles are in the last stages of rotating towards the geographical poles, you can see the southern magnetic pole in red facing us, that means the northern magnetic pole will be on the opposite side of the sun. this magnetic polar rotation is a normal part of the suns ’11 year’ magnetic polar reversal.
Solar Polar Field Strength:
Thanks, REN. Those graphs are intriguing indications of the solar interior.
Do you agree the Sun’s pulsar [1,2] core produces its magnetic field?
1. Peter Toth, “Is the Sun a pulsar?” Nature 270, 159-160 (1977):
2. V. A. Kotov, “A pulsar inside the Sun?” Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics 39, 811-814 (1996):
The Suns Solar Polar Magnetic Field Strength does not increase or decrease, (it is distorted) it is constant relative to the mass of the sun, the observed data you are showing is a result of the suns magnetic poles rotating and reversing, both poles cross polarities at its equator during the peak of a solar cycle, interacting with the coronasphere producing an increase in Sunspots, radio emissions, x-rays and UV etc. The difference in the intensity of solar cycle peaks is due to the speed and rotation of the Polar fields through both its longitude axis and latitude axis.
It is suspected and it’s being researched and studied at some length by myself and others that the planets in our solar system have a role to play in regulating the timing of the suns polar reversal many of us have independently built models from planetary orbital data over the past ten years that verify there is a solar/planetary relationship, we now have the ability to accurately forecast the suns solar cycle behaviour which means a great deal for the sun/earth climate relationship..
Here’s some examples of two different models I’ve built using planetary data..
The solar magnetic NP (MNP) has been below 5 micro-Tesla from ~ Nov/2013 to last month, corresponding quite exactly to the period of the “2nd peak” of the solar maximum of the present cycle, which I believe has ended already (the maximum phase). The South Pole (MSP) looks “normal”.
This delay to flip polarities is similar to what happened in maximum of cycle C20, but the oscillations during the near-zero period were considerably more intense then,
I believe this phenomenon is related with the end of solar grand-maximum of the XX century, of which (I think) the Livingston-Penn effect is another “symptom”.
The average solar fields ( |NP|+|SP|/2 ) have been decreasing systematically since cycle C21,
(this idea I found on G. Sharp’s blog- Brent Walker’s post
but the fields were probably less intense and *not varying systematically* before C20 (e.g., Leif Svalgaard’s studies, based on proxies, reveal a stable quasi-senoidal variation since C14).
“Something” seems to have happened since C21 that has changed the direction of the intensity of the solar cycles from “grand-maximum” type, during the entire XX century (it started in C14 IMO), back to normal or (possibly) to a “grand-minimum” phase now.
Note also that the geomagnetic aa-index (from the UK Solar System Data Centre : is showing a “transition” since ~ 2004, from a “strong-phase” (above 20 nT, from ~ 1939-to-2004) to a “weak-phase” (similar to the average indices before 1939)
I believe the low intensity of the MNP is related with (a continuation of) these phenomena that have been happening in the last ~ 25 years. This would indicate that they will continue and possibly (in the “grand-minimum” scenario) intensify. It will be interesting to watch.
From comments at
ROM March 27, 2015 at 8:58 pm
Somebody at needs an explanation about what happens to crops during cold periods. We are in a toasty optimal period with lots of plant food. Of course, a lot of you guys back east aren’t so sure about the toasty part, I bet. I believe it hit 96 degrees in Yuma today. I’ll be eating my own cherry tomatoes in about two weeks if somebody from the Dept. of Commerce doesn’t show up to confiscate the vines.
Meanwhile, even a little ice age will make it impossible to feed 9-billion people by 2045-50. Just a wee bit off topic here. Note to Colorado legislature. Defund CU Atmospheric Science Dept. Fixed it.
Reblogged this on The Grey Enigma. legend
Old people
John Forbes Kerry (born December 11, 1943) is an American politician who is the 68th and current United States Secretary of State.
Robinette “Joe” Biden, Jr. ( born November 20, 1942) is the 47th and current Vice President of the United States
Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton ( born October 26, 1947) is a former United States Secretary of State,
Nancy Patricia D’Alesandro Pelosi (born March 26, 1940) is the Minority Leader of the United States House of Representatives