Death Of The Wind Death Trains

We used to see trains transporting giant bird chopper blades passing through Fort Collins almost every day, but now all we see are coal/oil trains.

The federal government has spent some $100 billion in taxpayer subsidies on green energy since 2006. Now we are seeing the flimsy and declining returns on that investment.  The wind industry saw its growth tumble by 92% last year, according to a new report from the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), and that’s off of a very low base to begin with.

Wind Industry Produces Little Energy, Lots Of Hot Air –

h/t to Dave G

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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25 Responses to Death Of The Wind Death Trains

  1. Gamecock says:

    “The fatal conceit of government planners is to believe they can see the future better than private entrepreneurs and investors.”

    Not so much here. Their intent is to CREATE the future.

  2. tom0mason says:

    The real stupidity is all the sheeple hoodwinked into thinking that ‘free’ renewable power was anything but a small intermittent power generating affair.

    Plenty of money was made by that scam!

  3. In Scotland we had a power on one of the windiest days which led to 200,000 people being without electricity. That’s 200,000 more people who if they didn’t already know the costs of wind, are now waking up to the reality that an electricity grid made unstable by wind has direct effects on them personally.

    But if Lewandowsky is reading this … it’s obviously a conspiracy by the English government to undermine the Scottish government ahead of the Scottish Referendum … a plan hatched by Elvis with the help of Aliens who NASA found on the moon (when they didn’t go there).

    • But if Lewandowsky is reading this … it’s obviously a conspiracy by the English government to undermine the Scottish government ahead of the Scottish Referendum … a plan hatched by Elvis with the help of Aliens who NASA found on the moon (when they didn’t go there).

      Let’s not be silly. It should be “whom NASA found”, err, I think. It’s part of an extended prepositional phrase, so now I’m not so sure. Better ask the Lew-paper fellow directly, I guess.

  4. Andy DC says:

    It is total misinformation that we can come close to subsituting wind and solar for fossil fuels anytime in the remotely near future.

  5. philjourdan says:

    Sounds like the investors are bailing.

  6. B says:

    In order to tear something down, to reshape society in a direction that impoverishes the masses, an alternative must be presented. This alternative will allow masking of the actual agenda and work to gain useful idiot type support. It is best if that alternative is unworkable and/or very centrally controllable. Better yet if that alternative can itself then be torn down leaving nothing.

    Energy, transportation, you name it, any where there is a key way to put us back into a serf like existence, this method is useful.

  7. Hugh K says:

    If you like your Condor Cuisinart, you can keep your Condor Cuisinart…period.

  8. catweazle666 says:

    The wind industry saw its growth tumble by 92% last year,

    A great pity the UK isn’t enjoying the same benefits.

    Davey’s New Green Projects to Cost Taxpayer £1.4 Billion a Year

  9. Maybe, it is finally dawning on people that the Energy Returned On Energy Invested for Wind Power is less than 1.00, and thus is unsustainable.

    It is time for this massive wastes of resources to end.

  10. bobmaginnis says:

    Charles, where did you get the idea that wind has an EROEI of less than 1? Show us your reference. This ref shows EROEI of almost 20:
    “The average EROI for just the operational studies is 19.8 (n = 60; std. dev = 13.7). This places wind in a favorable position relative to fossil fuels, nuclear, and solar power generation technologies in terms of EROI.

  11. But think how many millionths of a degree in global warming this $100 billion staved off!

  12. bobmaginnis says:

    Nobody is going to sue Charles, even if he incorrectly says that wind turbines use 3 times the energy they make, but he should back it up with references, and not make us buy his book to find them.
    You can Google more refs for EROEI, but you will find that coal has an EROEI of less than 0.4, and natural gas will be less than 0.6 Until windpower is more than 10% of the capacity of the grid, we won’t be building extra power plants to back wind up, and if we did, it would likely only reduce the windpower EROEI from 20 to 10.

    • Brian G Valentine says:

      Wind power is typically backed up with gas turbine power, and in many cases, it looks to me, that the turbines burn more gas in intermittent operation (because of the lower efficiency) than if the gas turbines operated continuously, and the wind power wasn’t there at ll.

    • Gamecock says:

      “You can Google.”

      That’s not how it works. You make a claim, and provide link to support your claim. I’m not doing research for your claim.

    • Gail Combs says:

      He has. Over at WUWT several years ago. That is why I knew about his book.

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