Obama’s Science Czar Says Less Energy Means More Jobs

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Obama’s Science Czar Says Less Energy Means More Jobs

  1. chris y says:

    Less energy means more jobs is a self-evident truism. You need a lot of human mechanical power to keep the current economy running.

    For details, study the modern green society known as North Korea.

  2. Brian G Valentine says:

    I guess you could call being on welfare a “job” of some sort

    • There Is No Substitute for Victory. says:

      Whoopee, now I qualify for an ax and a cart from Obama so that I can cut fire wood for sale on the sidewalks of New York City. I always wanted a pony, I do get a pony don’t I Mr. President…. Mr. President…. MR. PRESIDENT!!! Oh, never mind.

  3. higley7 says:

    Where will all the new jobs be when there is no energy to be used? Or does he mean a lot of people pedaling bicycle generators as needed?

  4. Brian G Valentine says:

    Who told Holdren that people wouldn’t object to serfdom?

    Who told the President?

  5. D. Self says:

    Mr. Holdren should resign and be a farm hand to prove he is not a hypocrite. My father busted his ass when he lived at home with my grandparents on a small farm in SE Missouri. No Electricity until after WWII. He was in the Army and stated it was much easier than picking cotton by hand. Gotta love the damn academics who never worked hard or had a real job their whole pathetic lives.

    • Gail Combs says:

      A lot of those city folks crying in their beer about Gore Bull Worming and how we have to kill all the coal plants, tear out all the hydro electric dams and have plastered their cars with NO Fracking and NO Keystone Pipeline and NO nuclear power bumper stickers…

      Should spend a year like this. IMAGE

  6. inMAGICn says:

    I spent four years in west and central Africa. I was in the bush much of the time and the height of luxury in a mud-hut village was a hand-pumped single-burner Petromax stove. To find firewood in some of the places I worked involved a day-long hike to fetch a single bough if any could be found at all. This haulage (and that for water) was carried out by women, who basically worked themselves to an early exhausted old-age.

    So we are told that less power is a good thing, when these people were dying because they had none? They are hoping for energy prices to fall so cheaper kerosene and butane can be used.

    I don’t know the date on the cited article, but let me tell you this. No matter when it was written modern environmentalism, whether it is hiking energy prices, reducing the use of corn-crops for food, or denying the third world the use of DDT, is the most homicidal form of racism I believe the west can inflict on the poor.

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