Daily Archives: April 14, 2014

106 Degrees In Oklahoma During The Peak Of The Ice Age Scare

On April 12, 1972 – nineteen Oklahoma HCN stations reached 100 degrees, and Mangum reached 106 degrees. Temperatures in Mangum today are forecast to be half that, at 53 degrees. GHCN command used to generate this data ./ghcn.exe OK.txt through=0412 > OK.csv … Continue reading

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US Temperatures Through April 12 Are Fifth Coldest On Record

US temperatures through April 12 are fifth coldest on record, and the coldest in 35 years. GHCN commands used to generate this data ./getdaily ./ghcn.exe US13042014.txt through=0412 > US13042014.csv

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Climate Science Scrabble – By Rearranging The Funding, Cooling Becomes Warming

The winter of 1977 was very similar to the winter of 2014 in the US. It was warm in Alaska and the west coast, and very cold in the midwest and the eastern US. http://news.google.com/newspapers The jet stream was positioned very … Continue reading

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Learning To Think Like Kook And Nutter

97% of scientists believe that ants walking affect Earth’s rotation. Therefore, the overwhelming consensus of scientists believe that ants control the Earth.

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Five Years Since Experts Announced The Demise Of Multi-Year Arctic Ice

Five years ago, crack government scientists announced the official demise of multi-year sea ice. The multiyear ice covering the Arctic Ocean has effectively vanished, a startling development that will make it easier to open up polar shipping routes, an Arctic … Continue reading

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Polar Meltdown Continues : Second Highest April 11 Global Sea Ice Area On Record


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Time Magazine Says Penguins Are Threatened By Melting Ice

As Antarctic sea ice area soars to record highs, the geniuses at Time Magazine say that penguins are threatened by melting sea ice. http://content.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29307,1938690_1988641,00.html

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