Reader Quiz

What percentage of US warming is due to CO2, and what percentage is due to data tampering?

ScreenHunter_1252 Apr. 01 17.28


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to Reader Quiz

  1. darwin says:

    Hmmmmm … what is 100% due to data tampering?

  2. gator69 says:

    Trick question! The US is only 3% of the globe, or something…

  3. markstoval says:

    I guess that if there are just the two options then it must be 100% data tampering because CO2 does not cause warming. There was some warming due to natural causes and now there is cooling due to natural causes (hidden by data tampering to a large degree).

  4. RossP says:

    A few months ago I read a comment on here from someone who suggested you needed to pull all your effort on recording the data tampering together into a paper or a report. The poster said he’d fund or help fund the work if you got in contact with them. Did any thing come of this ??
    Something does have to be done to expose this tampering, in a very public way

    • I don’t remember seeing that. If you can find the comment, please repost it.

      • -=NikFromNYC=- says:

        Alas, a mere tag-along high-five struggling artist tease or two: the thing. Go over there first and give a dollar of two to various other proposals. Then you must create a two minute video promo. Standard operating procedure.

        Like good investors, Gore included, the fiasco of Global Warming disgrace has already been discounted by the avant garde types that toss a million dollars at things to see if anything might stick. I mean what MEGA profit is there these days in integrity?

        As motivation to all potential anti-fascist heroes I offer the mega collection of Rachael Welch portraits, however:

        • RossP says:

          Thanks for that Nick. I think your idea is great.
          But the post I was thinking made specific reference to helping Steve with funding. I recall the poster saying that if Steve was interested Steve had his email to contact him. I think it could have been in response to Steve saying earlier in the thread that to do such a project would take some time and money.

        • -=NikFromNYC=- says:

          “When good is near you, when you have life in yourself, it is not by any known or accustomed way; you shall not discern the foot-prints of any other; you shall not see the face of man; you shall not hear any name; the way, the thought, the good, shall be wholly strange and new.” – Emerson (Self-Reliance essay)

          “It is only possible for individuals who break out of the group to exceed the potential of the group as a whole.” – Napoleon Hill

          “Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.” – Oscar Wilde

          “Most of what we call maturity is actually conformity living up to someone else’s expectations or dreams instead of one’s own.” – Hue Hefner, founder of Playboy magazine (In Time Out New York, 2000)

          “If the art of war be only the art of risking nothing, glory would become the prey of mediocrites.” – Napoleon Bonaparte

          “A gathering of scientific men or of artists, owning to the mere fact that they form an assemblage, will not deliver judgments of general subjects sensibly different from those rendered by a gathering of masons or grocers.” – Gustave le Bon (The Crowd, 1895)

          “The way in which we are educated nowadays means that we acquire a second nature: and we have it when the world calls us mature, of age, employable. A few of us are sufficiently snakes one day to throw off this skin, and to do so when beneath its covering their first nature has grown mature. With most of us, its germ has dried up.” – Frederich Nietzsche (Daybreak, 1881)

          “You have undergone unsought, harrowing mental sufferings; now things are running their course. Why? Whither? To the renewed beginning of a similar career? My decided opinion is no there is something deeper than that. Change you must but it must be a general renewal, not a repetition of the same thing.” – Vincent van Gogh (letter to Theo van Gogh, 1883)

          “During the journey we commonly forget its goal. Almost every profession is chosen and commenced as a means to an end but continued as an end in itself. Forgetting our objectives is the most frequent of all acts of stupidity. – Frederich Nietzsche (Human, All Too Human, 1878)

          “If you decide to wage a war for the total triumph of your individuality, you must begin by inexorably destroying those who have the greatest affinity with you. All alliance depersonalizes; everything that tends to the collective is your death; use the collective, therefore, as an experiment, after which strike hard, and remain alone!” – Salvador Dali (The Secret Life of Salvador Dali, 1942)

          “All the sick and sickly instinctively strive after a herd organization as a means of shaking off their dull displeasure and feeling of weakness…. The strong are as naturally inclined to separate as the weak are to congregate; if the former unite together, it is only with the aim of an aggressive collective action and collective satisfaction of their will to power, and with much resistance from the individual conscience; the latter, on the contrary, enjoy precisely this coming together their instinct is just as much satisfied by this as the instinct of the born masters (that is, the solitary, beast-of-pray species of man) is fundamentally irritated and disquieted by organization.” – Frederich Nietzsche (On the Geneology of Morals, 1887)

          “Our interest is not in movements, but in something much rarer, authentic Individuals. Movements have only ever existed because the majority of people follow the group in which they find security from their own cowardice. The only free person is the leader, if there really is a group, not just the little lifeless coteries so dear to the hearts of our modern intellectual milieux. The individual only remains himself in collective experiences in so far as he takes these experiences in hand, by using them to develop his personal potential. This supposes a total confidence in oneself, as well as faith in something incommensurable and undiscussible, something precise and endless; on a scale as humanly superhuman as the NADA of St John of the Cross. In the face of this, the swarm of little movements with their history-making theological-critical quarrels about art are of negligible importance.” – Michel Tapié (Un Art Autre, 1952)

          “When I am among the many I live as the many do, and I do not think as I really think; after a time it always seems as though they want to banish me from myself and rob me of my soul and I grow angry with everybody and fear everybody. I then require the desert, so as to grow good again.” – Frederich Nietzsche (Daybreak, 1881)

          “To you, bold explorers, experimenters, and whoso embarketh with cunning sails on terrible seas To you that delights in riddles, thy love of twilight, whose soul is lured as by flutes to every labyrinth (For ye love not with coward hand to grope your way by a thread; and where ye can divine ye scorn to deduce.) To you alone I tell this riddle that I saw a vision of the loneliest one….” – Friedrich Nietzsche (Thus Spake Zarathrusta, 1891)

          “Turn on, tune in, drop out.” – Timothy Leary (lecture title, 1967)

          “I have less need of company than of furiously hard work, and that is why I am boldly ordering canvas and paints. It’s the only time I feel Iam alive, when I am drudging away at my work.” – Vincent van Gogh (letter to Theo van Gogh, 1888)

          “The refusal to rest content, the willingness to risk excess on behalf of one’s obsessions, is what distinguishes artists from entertainers, and what makes some artists adventurers on behalf of us all.” – John Updike (Assorted Prose, 1965)

          “One doesn’t discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time.” – Andreé Gide

          “Work in spite of all indifference is not easy to keep up, but what is easy isn’t worth much.” – Vincent van Gogh (letter to Theo van Gogh, 1885)

          “All growth is a leap in the dark, a spontaneous, unpremeditated act without benefit of experience.” – Henry Miller

          “There is no advice to give young poets.” – Pablo Neruda

          “One of the most difficult problems before the studying artist is to find, to complete, and to translate into action his own outlook; the temptation is great to reflect that of others. Diffidence and want of daring produce many disasters.” – Vernon Blake (The Art and Craft of Drawing, 1927)

          “Put Napoleon in an island prison, let his faculties find no men to act on, no Alps to climb, no stake to play for, and he would beat the air and appear stupid.” – Emerson (History essay)

          “I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.” – Mahatma Gandhi

          “The average American cannot say no. This is why he is average.” – Roy H. Williams (The Wizard of Ads, 1999)

          “Life consists of rare individual moments of the highest significance and countless intervals in which at best the phantoms of those moments hover about us. Love, spring, a beautiful melody, the mountains, the moon, the sea they all speak truly to our heart only once: if they ever do in fact truly find speech. For many people never experience these moments at all but are themselves intervals and pauses in the symphony of real life.” – Frederich Nietzsche (Human, All Too Human, 1878)

          “My supreme game is to imagine myself dead, gnawed by worms. I find it excellent training, and have been doing this as far back as I can remember.” – Salvador Dali (The Unspeakable Confessions of Salvador Dali 1976; Dali had a younger brother of the same name who died a year before he was born, so he saw his own name on a gravestone.)

          “He saw that he was in the land of Phenomenon where he must for a certain one day die as he was like the rest a passing show. And would he not accept to die like the rest and pass away?” – James Joyce (Ulysses, 1929)

          “The incredible complex-unity of the evolutionary process staggering, endless in its variety why? Where is it going? etc., etc. The old questions and then the laughter of amused, ecstatic acceptance. Too much! Too great! Never mind! It can’t be figured out. Love it in gratitude and accept!” – Timothy Leary (In “Psychedelic Review, 1966)

          “Only a brave person is willing to honestly admit, and fearlessly to face, what a sincere and logical mind discovers.” – Rodan of Alexandria

          “The appropriate demeanor for a human being is to feel lucky that he is alive and to humble himself in the face of the immensity of things and have a beer. Relax. Welcome to Earth. It’s a little confusing at first. That’s why you have to come back over and over again before you learn to really enjoy yourself. The sky is not falling.” – Kary Mullis, Nobel prize winning inventor of PCR, the polymerase chain reaction (Dancing Naked in the Mind Field 1998)

          “Don’t be afraid to take a big step if one is indicated. You can’t cross a chasm in two small jumps.” – David Lloyd George

          “he credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena: whose face is marred by dust, sweat and blood; who errs and comes back short again and again.” – Theodore Roosevelt

          “The worst thing in any venture is indecision.” – Napoleon Bonaparte

          “The torment of precautions often exceeds the dangers to be avoided. It is sometimes better to abandon one’s self to destiny” – Napoleon Bonaparte

          “One of the greatest handicaps is to fear a mistake. You have stopped yourself. You have to move freely into the arena, not just wait for a perfect situation, the perfect moment. If you have to make a mistake, it’s better to make a mistake of action than one of inaction.” – Federico Fellini (I, Fellini)

          “Treat success like a lover. It is better to be adventurous than cautious.” – Machiavelli

          “The longer you delay, the harder is will be to begin.“ – Napoleon Hill

          “Believe me! The secret of reaping the greatest fruitfulness and the greatest enjoyment from life is to live dangerously!” – Friederich Nietzsche (Die fröhlich Wissenschaft, 1882)

          “The only people who achieve much are those who want knowledge so badly that they seek it while the conditions are still unfavorable. Favorable conditions never come.” – Clive S. Lewis

          “If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.” – Thomas Edison

          “The impossible is the spectre of the timid and the refuge of the coward.” – Napoleon Bonaparte

          “Men are often capable of greater things than they perform. They are sent into the world with bills of credit and seldom draw to their full extent.” – Horace Wallace

          “or tens of thousands capable of reproducing detail only a chosen few will deal in the
          organization of larger harmonies.” – Vernon Blake (The Art and Craft of Drawing, 1927)

          “A clear and pure mind can see the truth; but a selfish mind sees only complications.” – Kazuo Inamori (A Passion for Success, 1995)

          “The superior man seeks what is right; the inferior one, what is profitable.” – Confucius

          “Many people die with their music still in them.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes

          “Great minds have purposes, others have wishes.” – Washington Irving

          “Beaten paths are for beaten men.” – Eric Johnston

          “Ugly and futile: lean neck and thick hair and a stain of ink, a snail’s bed. Yet someone had loved him, borne him in her arms and in her heart. But for her the race of the world would have trampled him underfoot, a squashed boneless snail. She had loved his weak watery blood drained from her own. Was that then real? The only true thing in life? His mother’s prostrate body the fiery Columbanus in holy zeal bestrode. She was no more: the trembling skeleton of a twig burnt in the fire, an odour of rosewood and wetted ashes. She had saved him from being trampled underfoot and had gone, scarcely having been. A pour soul gone to heaven: and on a heath beneath winking stars a fox, red reek of rapine in his fur, with merciless bright eyes scraped in the earth, listened, scraped up the earth, listened, scraped and scraped.” – James Joyce (Finnegans Wake, 1939)

        • BruceC says:

          I don’t wish to sound disrespectful, but; The length of this document defends it well against the risk of its being read.. Sir Winston Churchill.

  5. Looks like the score in this game is Data-Tampering : 1.5 and Global Warming CO2 : yet to score. I think that we are well into the second half of the game.

  6. Scarface says:

    I remember that too. It was around the time Steven wrote a post called something like ‘hitting the motherload’ about data manipulation. And I too hoped that Steven would write that paper so that it could get published with the help that was offered. I will try to find that comment.

  7. “I swear to God, if I have to hear Ke$ha one more time, I will cut a bitch.” –Mahatma Ghandi

  8. Dmh says:

    That’s easy: 0% and 100%. 🙂

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