Understanding Global Warming Theory

Thou shall repent of your carbon sins, and believe in the one true climate model(s.) Thou shall pay your carbon tithes to the great Pharisees of the IPCC.

Lest thou convert all the nations to believe in the carbon religion -a great flood, fire and pestilence shall come across the lands (starting with poor women and children in Asia, of course.)

Special blessings shall come to those who don’t bathe, and particularly those who self-snip.

But great woe shall come unto the unbelievers, who shall be punished according to Goreian law.

Nooooobody expects the Climate Inquisition.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Understanding Global Warming Theory

  1. Gail Combs says:

    Understanding Global Warming Theory?

    GIMME your wealth or I’ll whomp you upside da head.

  2. geran says:

    How do you come up with all the humor, wit, research, and science?

    Talent is one thing, but even great works of art take time. How do you do all this, daily, repeatedly, non-stop.

    No other blog does this. It is truly amazing.

    • -=NikFromNYC=- says:

      Variations on a theme is the basis of all great music, poetry, and comedy. John Stewart freaked out and ranted on a bit in a Fox News interview, about how their nefarious message was repeated in various ways all day long, starting at 5AM, and how awfully effective it was, damn it. Overall though Steve takes himself or I mean the situation of scientific fraud only too seriously, because the those demonizers, those Royal (Uppity Asshole) Society mavens who support wild and merely silly calls for re-education camps seems to block-calcify opposition to climate (model) skepticism into some urban/academic *other* that represents true evil akin to the NAZI era, which it is not.

      Should I make better sense than this?

      Just because proto-NAZIs are asserting themselves so loudly is not reason to suddenly afford them seriousness by *taking* them seriously.

  3. pwl says:

    Oh that is so funny Steven yet so horrifyingly true!

  4. Gail Combs says:

    Seems the Congregation is not impressed.

    The MSNBC has a poll up with 12K votes. 82 % (9,976 votes) voted NO! to the question Do you see climate change as a threat to your life or well-being?

    OOPS, looks like that ‘Communication of Climate Science’ isn’t working too well.

  5. Brian H says:

    And yet I bet if it was taken in Sweden, such a poll would flip the other way. Germany, too, but not so extreme any more, perhaps. That’s my NSWAG, anyhoo.

    AFAIK, the Poles and Czechs have always been pretty solid skeptic, even the politicians.

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