Monthly Archives: July 2014

A Corrupted Temperature Record – And Clueless Scientists

USHCN raw station data shows an average of 7 degrees/century cooling since 1998, while their fabricated (infilled) data shows almost no cooling. The fabricated data is data which has no underlying station data, and is manufactured by NOAA. The next graph … Continue reading

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Breaking News At NCDC!

After infilling, homogenization and adjusting for goalie differences, NCDC has determined that the US team has easily won in Brazil. The US team has also been advised that in order to speed their return back through US immigration, they should leave all their documentation behind. … Continue reading

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Ninety Degree Days In Michigan Down 50% Over The Last 80 Years

The frequency of ninety degree days in Michigan through July 9 is down 50% from what it was in the 1930s. The last two summers (2013/2014) are among the coolest on record. Heidi Cullen’s Climate Central is (of course) lying about … Continue reading

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Ninety Degree Days In Virginia In Sharp Decline

Over the past 80 years, the frequency of ninety degree days in Virginia through July 9 is down about 40%. Heidi Cullen’s Climate Central lies about this constantly. They apparently make money off generating irrational fear about the climate.

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Maryland Obliterating All Cold Records In 2014

Here in Maryland, we are having the coldest year on record – by a wide margin.  President Obama says we are burning up in the DC area.

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A Closer look At The Ice Sheet Meltdown

Experts tell us that Greenland is melting down at -19C. This is the hottest week of the year in Greenland. Vostok, Antarctica Forecast | Weather Underground They say that Antarctica is also melting down, at minus one hundred degrees. Vostok, Antarctica … Continue reading

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USHCN Adjusting Illinois Temperatures Upwards At Three Degrees Per Century

NCDC is doing some impressive adjusting in President Obama’s home state, turning a measured cooling trend into a fake warming trend – by adjusting the data upwards at a spectacular three degrees per century.

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Illinois Temperatures Through July 9th Coldest On Record

Illinois temperatures from January 1 through July 9 have been declining for 120 years, with this year being the coldest on record by a wide margin. The hottest year in Illinois through July 9 was 1921, with CO2 at a very … Continue reading

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Trailer For New Global Warming Documentary

Short and very funny trailer for a new C-Fact documentary. [youtube=]

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100% Of US Warming Over The Last 20 Years Is Due To Adjustments

Measured US temperatures show no warming over the past 20 years, while the temperatures published by NCDC show 3.4F/century warming during that period. The graph below shows the difference between the average final USHCN station temperature, and the average raw USHCN station … Continue reading

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