Daily Archives: September 30, 2016

Defending The Environment From Greens

I have been fighting to protect the environment for more than 45 years. Air and water in the US was filthy in the 1960s, and I fought hard for the Clean Air Act – which made a massive difference in … Continue reading

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Spectacular Antarctic Data Tampering By NASA

In 2004 NASA’s top climate scientist, Gavin Schmidt, said that Antarctica had cooled significantly in recent decades. Pubs.GISS: Abstract of Shindell and Schmidt 2004 NASA showed this clearly in their 2005 map. SVS: Antarctic Heating and Cooling Trends This didn’t … Continue reading

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Climate Lies Threaten Civilization

Government funded climate insanity turned off the lights in South Australia this week, and threaten the same for all of Australia. Malcolm Turnbull says Victoria ‘vulnerable’ to SA blackout | afr.com

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Democrats Using The Identical Dirty Tricks As They Did In 1980

In 1980, Democrats attacked any black person who supported Reagan, and they tried to pin the KKK on Reagan.  This is the identical strategy which they are using against Trump. It is long past time for the Democratic Party and … Continue reading

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The Heatwave Of September 30, 1953

On September 30, 1953 almost half of the US was over 90 degrees, with 100 degree temperatures across much of the Midwest and south. The second hottest September 30 was a year earlier, in 1952. Mt. Vernon, Indiana was 102 degrees … Continue reading

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