Ice Is A Thing Of The Past In New England

New England is having the coldest start to the year since 1940, the Great Lakes have record ice, and some genius publishes a book saying that ice is a thing of the past.

ScreenHunter_12 Apr. 26 05.34

Farewell to Ice Skating

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Ice Is A Thing Of The Past In New England

  1. james johnson says:

    Makes the Bell Curve understandable. To bad if you are on the wrong end. Ice may come as a real surprise and snow will just be another Hot sauce.

  2. edk says:
    Here is over 100years of freeze thaw data for Houghton pond south and east of concord

    • ed k says:

      This year the days ice has been on the pond is over the 120 year mean. Remarkable graph showing relative stability in climate.

  3. _Jim says:

    As I posted earlier in reference to posts by bob maginnis it can be difficult to distinguish between genius and idiot (savant) … sometimes, it appears, not so much judging by the evidence shown/linked to in this OP …

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