Daily Archives: April 8, 2014

April 6 Global Sea Ice Area Sixth Highest On Record


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Great Lakes Ice Cover More Than 1000% Of Normal

Experts say that global warming brings an early spring and reduced ice cover in the upper midwest. 20140407180000_CVCHDCTGL_0007605958.pdf

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Summer Temperatures Plummeting In New South Wales

January temperatures at Bourke, NSW have been plummeting since the start of records in the 1870s.  January, 1896 averaged a mind blowing 43C. http://www.bom.gov.au/ Temperatures in January 1896 were incomprehensibly hot. For six weeks, every afternoon was above 114F, and it … Continue reading

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Terrified By CO2

Not long ago, people had to deal with tuberculosis, polio, smallpox, food shortages, fatal flu epidemics, world wars, O.J. Simpson Hertz commercials, and all manner of other horrors. Now people go berserk with worry over the output of computer models – which … Continue reading

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Common Core Introduces A New Learning Game


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Pattern Matching Quiz

December 2006 – Republicans control Congress and the White House – unemployment is 4.4% January 2007, Democrats take over the Congress and promise Change. January 2009, Democrats take over the White House and promise Hope and Change. March 2009, unemployment hits 10%.

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Understanding The Cold In Michigan

With Detroit shut down, the reduced CO2 pollution is making Michigan very cold. [youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6Su5mjQSaE]

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Reader Quiz

How would things have been different at Sandy Hook if the principal had her own rifle, and the children didn’t have to wait 15 minutes for someone else with a gun to show up? Warning : this question may cause progressive brains … Continue reading

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OFA Accused Of Plagiarism

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Reader Quiz

It has been 40 years since Israel had a mass school shooting. They take a subtly different approach to protecting their children. See if you can spot the difference.

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