The 97% Consensus

97% of 1.5 billion people are convinced of this, so they must be correct.


That many people simply couldn’t be wrong.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to The 97% Consensus

  1. Robertv says:

    During the past 2000 years personal freedom was not the normal.

  2. Mac says:

    There’s nothing like being lost in a crowd. It completely assures you that you’re totally correct, and a terrific person. After all, 97% of everyone else thinks just like me, I must be okay! I belong to a movement! I fit in, for once in my sorry little insignificant life!

    I bet that in Germany, in 1934, 97% of Nazi scientists thought Jews were inferior and should be exterminated. So, you see, a 97% consensus always must be followed, and not questioned, ever, or the goon squad will come to your house and hit you over the head with a board.

    • gator69 says:

      German scientists were paid by the Nazi Party to ‘prove’ the Aryan myth, and the scientists dutifully produced ‘data’.

      • Gary H says:

        I’m saving that comment.

        • gator69 says:

          Hey Gary! I read a great article about Hitler sending ‘scientists’ to various locations around Europe and the Middle East to acquire ‘proof’ of the Aryan myth. Of course they reported the results for which they were paid. Sound familiar? I’ll see if I can find a copy of that article, in the meantime…

          The Nazi Party and its sympathizers published many books on scientific racism, seizing on the eugenicist and antisemitic ideas with which they would later become associated, although these ideas had been in circulation since the 19th century. Books such as Rassenkunde des deutschen Volkes (“Ethnology of the German People”) by Hans F. K. Günther and Rasse und Seele (“Race and Soul”) by Dr. Ludwig Ferdinand Clauss attempted to scientifically identify differences between the German, Nordic, or Aryan people and other, supposedly inferior, groups. German schools used these books as texts during the Nazi era.

          In the early 1930s, the Nazis used racialized scientific rhetoric based on social Darwinism[citation needed] to push its restrictive and discriminatory social policies. During World War II, Nazi racialist beliefs became anathema in the United States, and Boasians such as Ruth Benedict consolidated their institutional power. After the war, discovery of the Holocaust and Nazi abuses of scientific research (such as Josef Mengele’s ethical violations and other war crimes revealed at the Nuremberg Trials) led most of the scientific community to repudiate scientific support for racism.

          Nazi Germany’s racially-based social policies placed the improvement of the Aryan race through eugenics at the center of Nazis ideology. Those humans were targeted who were identified as “life unworthy of life” (German: Lebensunwertes Leben), including but not limited to Jewish people, criminals, degenerate, dissident, feeble-minded, homosexual, idle, insane, and the weak, for elimination from the chain of heredity.[citation needed] Despite their still being regarded as “Aryan”, Nazi ideology deemed Slavs (i.e., Poles, Russians, Ukrainians, etc.) to be inferior to the Germanic master race, suitable for expulsion, enslavement, or even extermination.[97]

          Adolf Hitler banned intelligence quotient (IQ) testing for being “Jewish” as did Joseph Stalin for being “bourgeois”.[98]

        • gator69 says:

          Here is another illustration of National Socialist ‘science’…

          In 1935, Heinrich Himmler, head of the Gestapo and the SS, founded an elite Nazi research institute called the Ahnenerbe. Its name came from a rather obscure German word, Ahnenerbe (pronounced AH-nen-AIR-buh), meaning “something inherited from the forefathers.” The official mission of the Ahnenerbe was to unearth new evidence of the accomplishments and deeds of Germanic ancestors “using exact scientific methods.”

          In reality, the Ahnenerbe was in the business of mythmaking. Its prominent researchers devoted themselves to distorting the truth and churning out carefully tailored evidence to support the ideas of Adolf Hitler, who believed that only the Aryans–a fictional “Nordic” race of tall, flaxen-haired men and women from northern Europe–possessed the genius needed to create civilization. Most modern Germans, he claimed, were descended from these ancient Aryans. But scholars had failed to uncover any proof of a such a master race lighting the torch of civilization and giving birth to all the refinements of human culture. The answer to this problem, in Himmler’s mind, lay in more German scholarship–scholarship of the right political stripe. So he created the Ahnenerbe, which he conceived of as a research organization brimming with brilliant mavericks and brainy young upstarts, who would publicly unveil a new portrait of the ancient world, one in which Aryans would be seen coining civilization and bringing light to inferior races, just as Hitler claimed.

        • Andy DC says:

          There was a theory that a superior race of aliens (the space type) landed somewhere in NW Europe and bred with the local population, creating what is considered the Aryan race. There was a 97% consensus among Hitler’s scientists that it happened, thus it must be so.

    • Jason Calley says:

      I sometime point out that the Jesuits are near unanimous in endorsing the Catholic Church as the one true church. (And that statement does not say anything particularly strange or bad about Jesuits.) It is simply that in ANY field of study, the so-called “experts” in the field are going to be the same people who espouse and cheer for that field the strongest. Astrologers believe in astrology. Physicists believe in physics. Homeopathic doctors believe in homeopathy. And climate scientists believe in climate science. Consensus of people in some field proves nothing because it is just as prevalent in voodoo science as it is in real science.

  3. Winnipeg Boy says:

    In 2007 Lehman Brothers was voted Most Admired by Fortune Magazine.

    Seriously, if you want a case study in how long a fraud can go on, with a huge amount of players and big money at stake, look to the financial industry. Most recently the LIBOR rate rigging scandal.
    Credit Default Swaps were rated AAA by EVERYBODY. The perps rigged the data and nobody bothered to look deeper.
    AGW is a financial scam. Nothing more, nothing less.

    • Edmonton Al says:

      And … the Federal Reserve which was contrived by bankers way back when.. early 1900’s? It is not Federal, it is private.

      • Gail Combs says:

        Actually a lot earlier than that. The Banksters are one of the reasons for the original revolution and the USA continued fighting them until they won in 1913.

        • Winnipeg Boy says:

          Agree on both Edmonton Al and Gail replies.
          And let me just say that I am pissed that I did not invent Global Warming. I’d be rich.

          On a completely different topic, why do alarmist get mad when we disprove their doomsday predictions? Us: we are not all going to die, everything is ok. Them; we are all going to die, you are stupid, Al (ah?) says we are all going to die, you need to sacrifice everything to Al (ah). I find it funny and sad that they all want the end of days.

        • gator69 says:

          Hey WB! Most discussions with doomers go something like this…

  4. SMS says:

    It wasn’t that long ago that eugenics was the most science-supported theory. That science-supported theory murdered 6 million Jews. How many Russians was Lysenko responsible for starving based on his theory of genetics of crop growth? Science is just a “best guess” and the key word is “guess”, followed in the great distance by “best”.

    If we were to review all the data since any prediction were made, how many would have turned out to be true? So far, not many. Especially government paid scientists. They will always give you the answer you are paying to hear. I would have said “dying to hear”, but that hit too close to home.

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