Hottest Year Ever Update

We are almost one fourth of the way through 2013, with the US in the deep freeze.

NOAA will of course say that 2013 is above normal, because their funding depends on lying about the climate.

ScreenHunter_125 Mar. 26 08.42

YearTDeptUS.png (688×531)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Hottest Year Ever Update

  1. squid2112 says:

    The yellow must be all of that nasty CO2 stuff I keep reading about. CO2 Pollution, and all that… 😉

  2. kirkmyers says:

    We will probably hit record low temperatures tomorrow morning in Orlando, Melbourne and Daytona Beach. Forecast low: 39 degrees.

  3. oeman50 says:

    I had three inches of heat wave that fell in my yard on Sunday. That sneaky climate distruption is at it again!

  4. Ben says:

    BS. The southeast was above normal? Record high kWh usage and power bills. My thermometer never moves in the winter it stays at 68. It took more kWh this winter to keep my interior temperature at 68 than the past 14 years at the same address. Ditto for my siblings spread in Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Florida, Tennessee.

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