Obamacare – Keeping Health Costs Under Control

Obama told us that communist medicine would reduce health care costs.

ScreenHunter_161 Mar. 27 08.42

Study estimates Obamacare could raise individual claim costs 32 percent | Washington Guardian

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Obamacare – Keeping Health Costs Under Control

  1. Obamacare is only interested in bringing more money into government coffers from poorer people, because that is the only thing it is set up to do, with the individual mandate. But how many poor ones like me will not beg to get on Medicaid, and so become criminals under the law? How many richer ones, for that matter, will simply not obey the law (far fewer, I expect). If they make the non-compliers wear a star, those who know history will finally realize it is just an old evil resurfacing in the New World.

    • gator69 says:

      I’m not sure if the main purpose is tax revenue, or control. They are certainly gaining more control than wealth.

  2. Andy DC says:

    Is David Appell’s cat covered? It is probably a higher life form that a lot who are, including his owner.

  3. slimething says:

    The purpose of Obamacare is to bankrupt the private sector. Mission accomplished.

  4. darwin says:

    Seems like ObamaCare is working exactly as planned.

  5. squid2112 says:

    Ah yeah, the “Affordable Care Act” … yep, I know the one… It’s all in the name.

    • kbray in california says:

      Whenever a positive adjective is used to promote a name, buyer beware.

      “Honest Abe’s Used Cars” not !

  6. Laurence Clark Crossen says:

    In California it is 62% because it accepted an expansion of Medicaid. Federal subsidies are supposed to reduce overall costs by 60-90%.

  7. The US has some how managed to achieve the worst possible system relative to cost.

  8. John B., M.D. says:

    Obamacare is working as planned. It was designed to fail so that politicians would be forced to “do something,” and give us single-payer, where govt controls everything and no one has financial skin in the game.

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